\documentclass{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{fullpage} \begin{document} \begin{itemize} \section*{Books} \subsection*{Chapters of Books} \item[1] ``Modeling Carbon Nanotube Electrical Properties in CNT / Polymer Composites'', Jaime Silva, R. Simoes, S. Lanceros-Mendez, A. Oechsner \& A. Shokuhfar (Eds.), New Frontiers of Nanoparticles and Nanocomposite Materials – Novel Principles and Techniques (Advanced Structured Materials, Vol. 4). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. {\bf 4}, 287-295 (2013). \section*{Papers} \subsection*{International Journals} \item[2] ``Dielectric Spectroscopy of Melt-Mixed Polypropylene and Pyrolytically Stripped Carbon Nanofiber Composites'', S Zineb, AJ Paleo, N Aribou, Y Nioua, Jaime Oliveira da Silva, MF Cerqueira, JA Moreira, ME Achour, J. Compos. Sci. {\bf 6(12)}, 368 (2022). \item[3] ``Field-dependent electrical properties of carbon nanotubes from first-principles: negative differential conductance, current oscillations and molecular sensing'', Jaime Silva, B. F. Milne, F. Nogueira, J. Phys.-Condes. Matter {\bf 32}, 135502 (2020). \item[4] ``On the Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Surface Plasmon Stability'', Jaime Silva, B. F. Milne, F. Nogueira, EPJ Web Conf. {\bf 233}, 05009 (2020). \item[5] ``Theoretical Investigation of Single Molecule Sensing Using Nanotube-Enhanced Circular Dichroism'', Jaime Silva, Bruce F. Milne, Ferrnando Nogueira, J. Phys. Chem. A {\bf 122}, 5666-5670 (2018). \item[6] ``High-performance graphene-based carbon nanofiller/polymer composites for piezoresistive sensor applications'', P Costa, J. Nunes-Pereira, J. Oliveira, Jaime Silva, J. Agostinho Moreira, S.\,A.\,C. Carabineiro, J.\,G. Buijnsters, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Compos. Sci. Technol. {\bf 153}, 241-252 (2017). \item[7] ``Finite-Size Effects in the Absorption Spectra of a Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube'', Jaime Silva, Micael J. T. Oliveira, Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez, Fernando Nogueira, J. Phys. Chem. C {\bf 120}, 18268-18274 (2016). \item[8] ``Strong increase of the dielectric response of carbon nanotube/poly (vinylidene fluoride) composites induced by carbon nanotube type and pre-treatment'', P.Costa, Jaime Silva, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Compos. Pt. B-Eng. {\bf 93}, 310-316 (2016). \item[9] ``An effective algorithm for computing all-terminal reliability bounds'', Jaime Silva, T. Gomes, D. Tipper, L. Martins, V. Kounev, Networks {\bf 66}, 282-295 (2015). \item[10] ``Sharing of classical and quantum correlations via {XY} interaction'', J. Wang, Jaime Silva, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Ann. Phys. {\bf 348}, 23-31 (2014). \item[11] ``Effect of cylindrical filler aggregation on the electrical conductivity of composites'', Jaime Silva, S. Lanceros-Mendez, R. Simoes, Phys. Lett. A {\bf 378}, 2985-2988 (2014). \item[12] ``Effect of carbon nanotube type and functionalization on the electrical, thermal, mechanical and electromechanical properties of carbon nanotube/styrene–butadiene–styrene composites for large strain sensor applications'', P.Costa, Jaime Silva, A. Anson-Casos, M. T. Martinez, M. J. Abad, J. Viana, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Compos. Pt. B-Eng. {\bf 61}, 136-146 (2014). \item[13] ``Mechanical, electrical and electro-mechanical properties of thermoplastic elastomer styrene–butadiene–styrene/multiwall carbon nanotubes composites.'', S. A. C. Carabineiro, M. F. R. Pereira, J. Nunes-Pereira, P.Costa, Jaime Silva, V. Sencadas, R. Simoes, J. C. Viana, S. Lanceros-Mendez, J. Mater. Sci. {\bf 48}, 1172-1179 (2013). \item[14] ``On the origin of the electrical response of vapor grown carbon nanofiber + epoxy composites'', Jaime Silva, P. Cardoso, A. J. Paleo, F. W. J. Van Hattum, R. Simoes, S. Lanceros-Mendez, e-Polymers {\bf 076}, 1-7 (2012). \item[15] ``Critical behavior of a three-dimensional hardcore-cylinder composite system'', Jaime Silva, R. Simoes, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 85}, 021115 (2012). \item[16] ``The role of disorder on the AC and DC electrical conductivity of vapour grown carbon nanofibre / epoxy composites'', P. Cardoso, Jaime Silva, D. Klosterman, J. A. Covas, F. W. J. Van Hattum, R. Simoes, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Compos. Sci. Technol. {\bf 72}, 243-247 (2012). \item[17] ``Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of vapor grown carbon nanofiber/epoxy composites with different filler dispersion levels'', P. Cardoso, Jaime Silva, J. Agostinho Moreira, D. Klosterman, F. W. J. van Hattum, R. Simoes, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Phys. Lett. A {\bf 376}, 3290-3294 (2012). \item[18] ``Comparative analyses of the electrical properties and dispersion level of VGCNF and MWCNT: Epoxy composites'', P. Cardoso, Jaime Silva, M. C. Paiva, F. van Hattum, S. Lanceros-Mendez, J. Polym. Sci. Pt. B-Polym. Phys. {\bf 50}, 1253-1261 (2012). \item[19] ``The effect of nanotube surface oxidation on the electrical properties of multiwall carbon nanotube/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites'', S. A. C. Carabineiro, M. F. R. Pereira, J. Nunes-Pereira, Jaime Silva, C. Caparros, V. Sencadas, S. Lanceros-Mendez, J. Mater. Sci. {\bf 47}, 8103 (2012). \item[20] ``Applying complex network theory to the understanding of high aspect ratio carbon filled composites'', Jaime Silva, R. Simoes, S. Lanceros-Mendez, R. Vaia, Europhys. Lett. {\bf 93}, 37005 (2011). \item[21] ``The influence of matrix mediated hopping conductivity, filler concentration, aspect ratio and orientation on the electrical response of carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites.'', Jaime Silva, S. Ribeiro, S. Lanceros-Mendez, R. Simoes, Compos. Sci. Technol. {\bf 71}, 643-646 (2011). \item[22] ``The influence of the dispersion method on the electrical properties of vapor-grown carbon nanofiber / epoxy composites'', P. Cardoso, Jaime Silva, D. Klosterman, J. A. Covas, F. W. J. Van Hattum, R. Simoes, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Nanoscale Res. Lett. {\bf 6}, 370 (2011). \item[23] ``Poly[(vinylidene fluoride)-co-trifluoroethylene] Membranes Obtained by Isothermal Crystallization from Solution'', A. Ferreira, Jaime Silva, V. Sencadas, J. L. G. Ribelles, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Macromol. Mater. Eng. {\bf 295}, 523-528 (2010). \item[24] ``The piezoresistive effect in polypropylene—carbon nanofibre composites obtained by shear extrusion'', A. J. Paleo, F. W. J. van Hattum, J. Pereira, J. G. Rocha, Jaime Silva, V. Sencadas, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Smart Mater. Struct. {\bf 19}, 065013 (2010). \item[25] ``The dominant role of tunneling in the conductivity of carbon nanofiber-epoxy composites'', P. Cardoso, Jaime Silva, A. J. Paleo, F. W. J. van Hattum, R. Simoes, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Mat. {\bf 207}, 407-410 (2010). \item[26] ``A Complex Network Based Simulation Approach to Predict the Electrical Properties of Nanocomposites.'', R Simoes, Jaime Silva, R. Vaia, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. {\bf 10}, 2451 (2010). \item[27] ``The Role of Solvent Evaporation in the Microstructure of Electroactive ß-Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Membranes Obtained by Isothermal Crystallization'', R. Magalhaes, N. Duraes, M. Silva, Jaime Silva, V. Sencadas, G. Botelho, J. L. Gomez Ribelles, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Soft Mater. {\bf 9}, 1-14 (2010). \item[28] ``Applications of the Graph Theory to the Prediction of Electrical and Dielectric Properties of Nano-filled Polymers'', R. Simoes, Jaime Silva, A. Cadilhe, R. Vaia, Compos. Interfaces {\bf 17}, 407-422 (2010). \item[29] ``The effect of fibre concentration on the [alpha] to [beta]-phase transformation, degree of crystallinity and electrical properties of vapour grown carbon nanofibre/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites'', P.Costa, Jaime Silva, V. Sencadas, C. M. Costa, F. W. J. van Hattum, J. Rocha, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Carbon {\bf 47}, 2590-2599 (2009). \item[30] ``Low percolation transitions in carbon nanotube networks dispersed in a polymer matrix: dielectric properties, simulations and experiments'', R. Simoes, Jaime Silva, R. Vaia, V. Sencadas, P.Costa, J. Gomes, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Nanotechnology {\bf 20}, 35703 (2009). \item[31] ``Influence of fiber aspect ratio and orientation on the dielectric properties of polymer-based nanocomposites'', R. Simoes, Jaime Silva, S. Lanceros-Mendez, R. Vaia, J. Mater. Sci. {\bf 45}, 268-270 (2009). \section*{Proceedings} \subsection*{International Conferences} \item[32] ``An Algorithm for Computing All-terminal Reliability Bounds'', Jaime Silva, T. Gomes, D. Tipper, L. Martins, V. Kounev, J. Rak, J.\,P. G. Sterbenz, G. Shen and K. Walkowiak (Eds.), 6th International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM 14), 76-83 (2014). \item[33] ``Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (72/28) interconnected porous membranes obtained by crystallization from solution'', A. Ferreira, Jaime Silva, V. Sencadas, J. L. G. Ribelles, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. {\bf 1312}, 125-130 (2011). \item[34] ``A Computational Method to Explore the Breakdown Process of Conductive Fillers in a Lossless Dielectric Nanocomposite'', R. Simoes, Jaime Silva, R. Vaia, In T. E. Simos \& G. Maroulis (Eds.), Computational Methods in Science and Engineering. American Institute of Physics. {\bf 2}, 229-232 (2009). \item[35] ``Nanofiber-reinforced polymeric systems: prediction of the properties strain dependence;'', A. M. Cunha, R. Simoes, Jaime Silva, POLYCHAR 15 - World Forum on Advanced Materials, Buzios, Brazil, Abril (2007). (Resumo), 40 (2007). \item[36] ``Applications of the Graph Theory to the Prediction of Electrical and Dielectric Properties of Nano-Filled Polymers'', R. Simoes, Jaime Silva, A. Cadilhe, R. Vaia, Proc. Eurofillers 2007 – Functional Fillers for Advanced Applications, Zalakaros – Hungary (2007). \item[37] ``Effect of the Nanofiber Network Arrangement on the Properties of Polymer-Based Nanocomposites'', R. Simoes, Jaime Silva, G. R. Dias, R. Vaia, Proceedings IV International Materials Symposium, 220 (2007). \item[38] ``Mesoscopic Study Of The Electronic Properties Of Thin Polymer Films'', R. M. Ribeiro, M. M. D. Ramos, A. M. Almeida, H. M. G. Correia, Jaime Silva, A. M. Stoneham, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. {\bf 744}, 549-554 (2003). \subsection*{Portuguese Conferences} \item[39] ``Métodos de Visualização Gráfica'', Jaime Silva, R. M. Ribeiro, 13ª Conferência Nacional de Física e 12º Encontro Ibérico para o Ensino da Física. 2002 (Évora) (livro de abstracts) (2002). \section*{Communications} \subsection*{Invited} \item[40] ``Carbon nanotubes as nano-probes'', Jaime Silva, Café com Física, Universidade de Coimbra (2018). \item[41] ``Multi-scale modeling of smart materials.'', Jaime Silva, Café com Física, Universidade de Coimbra (2012). \item[42] ``Electric and dielectric properties of carbon fiber networks dispersed in a polymer matrix'', Jaime Silva, U. Minho Escola de Ciências - Seminários de Matemática - Matemática Computacional (2009). \subsection*{Oral} \item[43] ``Electric field induced reversal of spin alignment in graphone/hexagonal boron nitride on Ni(111)'', Silva, Jaime, Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section and Annual Conference of the DPG, Berlin, Germany, March (2024). \item[44] ``Unlocking the potential of nanomaterials for gas sensing applications through a computer-guided discovery'', Silva, Jaime, CMD31-General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Braga - Portugal, September (2024). \item[45] ``Models for optimizing combat and fire suppression strategy'', Silva, Jaime, Workshop Intelligent management of forest fires. University of Coimbra (2023). \item[46] ``Surface Plasmons in Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes for Nanoscale Thermometry, an Ab Initio Study'', Silva, Jaime, DFT@PT. University of Coimbra (2023). \item[47] ``On the conductivity of isolated single wall carbon nanotubes form Ab Initio quantum simulations'', Jaime Silva, Condensed Matter Physics National Conference, CMPNC, Porto, Portugal (2019). \item[48] ``On the Negative Differential Conductance of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes from Ab-Initio Quantum Simulations'', Jaime Silva, DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, Germany (2019). \item[49] ``Mapping social networks on Twitter: the "retweet" as a social practice'', I. Amaral, Jaime Silva, XXXIII SUNBELT, University of Hamburg. (2013). \subsection*{Poster} \item[50] ``PyCoimbra: An open-source code for wildfire propagation'', Daniel Neves, João Aveiro, A.\,M.\,G. Lopes, C. Viegas, Jaime Oliveira da Silva, Física2022, 23ª Conferência Nacional de Física, 7-10/9 (2022). \item[51] ``Graph theory approach to wildfire supression'', João Aveiro, Daniel Neves, Paulo Silva, Orlando Oliveira, Fernando Nogueira, Jaime Oliveira da Silva, Física2022, 23ª Conferência Nacional de Física, 7-10/9 (2022). \item[52] ``A network approach for the determination of the critical exponents for high aspect ratio composites'', Jaime Silva, R. Simoes, S. Lanceros-Mendez, ECCS 11. University of Vienna. (2011). \item[53] ``Mapping hashtag networks on Twitter'', I Amaral, Jaime Silva, S. Lanceros-Mendez, ECCS 10. ISCTE, Lisboa. (2010). \item[54] ``Carbon nanotube networks dispersed in a polymer matrix: dielectric properties simulations and experiments'', Jaime Silva, V. Sencadas, P.Costa, J. Gomes, S. Lanceros-Mendez, R. Vaia, R. Simoes, NanoSpain, Zaragoza. (2009). \item[55] ``Métodos de Visualização Gráfica'', Jaime Silva, R. M. Ribeiro, 13ª Conferência Nacional de Física e 12º Encontro Ibérico para o Ensino da Física (2002). \section*{Other} \item[56] ``Graph-Based Strategies for Optimizing Wildfire Supression'', J. Aveiro, D. Neves, Paulo J. Silva, O. Oliveira, F. Nogueira, Jaime Oliveira da Silva, , (2023). \end{itemize} \end{document}