Hadron Physics and Fundamental Interactions

The group Hadron Physics and Fundamental Interactions is focused in different topics related to nuclear and particle physics: Different formalisms are applied to the study of the non-perturbative regime of Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) including ab-initio approaches as Lattice QCD, other quantum field theoretical methods and phenomenological descriptions based on chiral effective models and relativistic hadronic models. This allows for studies of QCD Green functions, hadron spectroscopy and structure, symmetries of the Dirac equation and relevance to nuclei and condensed matter, and to investigate the Phase Diagram for Strongly Interacting Matter and the nature of the respective phase transitions. Novel four-dimensional regularization tools are addressed for precision calculations in and beyond the Standard Model with the aim of gaining efficiency in the subtraction and cancellation of infrared and ultraviolet singularities in higher order computations in quantum field theories. This is essential to meet the accuracy of experimental data foreseen at the Future Circular Collider. Phenomenology of Particle Physics is used to explore particle physics beyond the Standard Model (neutrino masses, axions and the strong CP problem, supersymmetry, composite Higgs, extra-dimensions, grand unified theories, etc.).


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