Publications [LaTeX]
International Journals
1 - RheoVolution: An N-body simulator for tidally evolving bodies with complex rheological models
VM Oliveira, C. Ragazzo, ACM Correia
Astron. Astrophys. 693, A5 (2025)
2 - Tangential velocity constraint for orbital maneuvers with Theory of Functional Connections
AK de Almeida, T Vaillant, VM de Oliveira, D Barbosa, D Maia, S Aljbaae, B Coelho, M Bergano, J Pandeirada, AFBA Prado, A Guerman, ACM Correia
Sci. Rep. 14(1), 7479 (2024)
3 - Dynamical evolution of a system composed by extended deformable bodies with complex rheologies
Oliveira, VM.
XXII Brazilian Colloquium on Orbital Dynamics, São José dos Campos/SP, Brazil, 2-6 December (2024)
4 - RheoVolution: An N-body simulator for tidally evolving bodies with complex rheological models
MV de Oliveira, C. Ragazzo, ACM Correia