2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1974 | 1973 | 1972 | 1971 | 1970 | 1969 | 1968 | 1967 | 1966 | 1965 | 1964 | 1963 | 1962 | 1961 | 500 | 0

2014 [LaTeX]



1 - Caderno de Atividades Universo FQ - 8º ano Ciências Físico-Químicas (novas metas)
Sandra Costa, Carlos Fiolhais, Manuel Fiolhais, Victor Gil, Carla Morais, João Paiva
Texto Editores, Lisboa (2014)

2 - Caderno de Atividades Universo FQ - 7º ano Ciências Físico-Químicas (novas metas)
Sandra Costa, Carlos Fiolhais, Manuel Fiolhais, Victor Gil, Carla Morais, João Paiva
Texto Editores, Lisboa (2014)

3 - Universo FQ - 8º ano Ciências Físico-Químicas (novas metas curriculares)
Sandra Costa, Carlos Fiolhais, Manuel Fiolhais, Victor Gil, Carla Morais, João Paiva
Texto Editores, Lisboa (2014)

4 - Universo FQ - 7º ano Ciências Físico-Químicas (novas metas curriculares)
Sandra Costa, Carlos Fiolhais, Manuel Fiolhais, Victor Gil, Carla Morais, João Paiva
Texto Editores, Lisboa (2014)

5 - Universo FQ8
S. Costa, C. Fiolhais, M. Fiolhais, V. Gil, C. Morais and J. Paiva
Lisbon: Texto Editores (2014)

6 - Caderno de Apoio ao Professor Universo FQ - 7º ano Ciências Físico-Químicas (novas metas)
Sandra Costa, Carlos Fiolhais, Manuel Fiolhais, Victor Gil, Carla Morais, João Paiva
Texto Editores, Lisboa (2014)

7 - Caderno de Apoio ao Professor Universo FQ - 8º ano Ciências Físico-Químicas (novas metas)
Sandra Costa, Carlos Fiolhais, Manuel Fiolhais, Victor Gil, Carla Morais, João Paiva
Texto Editores, Lisboa (2014)

Chapters of Books

8 - Einstein: entre a Ciência e a Arte
C. Fiolhais
in Arte e Ciência em Diálogo (J. Carvalho, coord.), Coimbra: Grácio (2014)

9 - A ciência e o divino
C. Fiolhais
in Deus ainda tem futuro? (A. Borges, coord.), Lisbon: Gradiva, 53-70 (2014)

10 - Pigmentos de origem mineral: caso de estudo dos revestimentos do Centro Histórico de Coimbra
Lídia Catarino, Francisco P.S.C. Gil
´Proveniência de Materiais Geológicos, abordagens sobre o quaternário de Portugal´ Pedro Dinis, Alberto Gomes, Sérgio Monteiro-Rodrigues (coordinators), APEQ (Associação para o Estudo do Quaternário) (2014)


11 - Topical issue on the Nuclear Symmetry Energy
Eds. Bao-An Li, Ángels Ramos, Giuseppe Verde & Isaac Vidaña
The European Physical Journal A 50, issue 2 (2014)


International Journals

12 - Optical and Magnetic Excitations of Metal-Encapsulating Si Cages: A Systematic Study by Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory
M.J.T. Oliveira, P.V.C. Medeiros, J.R.F. Sousa, F. Nogueira, G.K. Gueorguiev
J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 11377-11384 (2014)

13 - Thermodynamical asymmetries in whirling, jumping and walking
J. Güémez, M. Fiolhais
European Journal of Physics 35, 035008-(10pp) (2014)

14 - Synthesis, Structure and Semi-Empirical Calculations on an Erbium (III) Quaternary Chelate
Pablo Martín-Ramos, Manuela Ramos Silva, Pedro Chamorro-Posada, Pedro S. Pereira Silva, Jesus Martín-Gil
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 4(12), 53-58 (2014)

15 - Thermodynamics in rotating systems - analysis of selected examples
J. Güémez, M. Fiolhais
European Journal of Physics 35, 015013_1-14 (2014)

16 - The dynamic nature of conflict in Wikipedia
Y. Gandica, F. Sampaio dos Aidos, J. Carvalho
Eur. Phys. Lett. 108, 18003 (2014)

17 - Källén-Lehmann spectroscopy for (un)physical degrees of freedom
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Phys Rev. D 89, 014010 (2014)

18 - A survey of the parallel performance and accuracy of Poisson solvers for electronic structure calculations
P. Garcia-Risueno, J. Alberdi-Rodriguez, M.J.T. Oliveira, X. Andrade, M. Pippig , J. Muguerza, A. Arruabarrena, and A. Rubio
J. Comput. Chem. 35, 427-444 (2014)

19 - Effects of the symmetry energy on the kaon condensates in the quark-meson coupling model
Prafulla K. Panda, Debora P. Menezes, and Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. C 89 (2014)

20 - Accuracy of generalized gradient approximation functionals for density-functional perturbation theory calculations
L. He, F. Liu, G. Hautier, M.J.T. Oliveira, M.A.L. Marques, F.D. Vila, J.J. Rehr, G.-M. Rignanese, A. Zhou
Phys. Rev. B 89, 064305 (2014)

21 - Imprint of the symmetry energy on the inner crust and strangeness content of neutron stars
Constança Providência, Sidney S. Avancini, Rafael Cavagnoli, Silvia Chiacchiera, Camille Ducoin, Fabrizio Grill, Jérôme Margueron, Débora P. Menezes, Aziz Rabhi, Isaac Vidaña
EPJA 50-2, 44-1-44-18 (2014)

22 - Phase transition and critical end point driven by an external magnetic field in asymmetric quark matter
Pedro Costa, Márcio Ferreira, Hubert Hansen, Débora P. Menezes, Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. D 89, 056013-7 (2014)

23 - Gluon screening mass at finite temperature from Landau gauge gluon propagator in lattice QCD
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira, P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso
Phys Rev D 89, 074503 (2014)

24 - Optical conductivity of curved graphene
A. J. Chaves, T. Frederico, O. Oliveira, W. de Paula, M. C. Santos
J Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 185301 (2014)

25 - Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory of Strong-Field Ionization of Atoms under Soft X-Rays
A. Crawford-Uranga, U. De Giovannini, E. Räsaäen, M.J.T. Oliveira, D.J. Mowbray, G.M. Nikolopoulos, E.T. Karamatskos, D. Markellos, P. Lambropoulos, S. Kurth, A. Rubio
Phys. Rev. A 90, 033412 (2014)

26 - Repulsive vector interaction in three-flavor magnetized quark and stellar matter
Débora P. Menezes, Marcus B. Pinto, Luis B. Castro, Pedro Costa, Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. C. 89, 055207-13 (2014)

27 - Enhancement of nonlinear optical properties in late group 15 tetrasubstituted cubanes
Bruce F. Milne
Dalton Transactions 43, 6333-6338 (2014)

28 - Photoinduced dissociation mass spectroscopy of firefly oxyluciferin anions
Marianne Winkler Jensen, Kristian Støchkel, Christina Kjær, Jeppe Langeland Knudsen, Oleg V. Maltsev, Lukas Hintermann, Pance Naumov, Bruce F. Milne, Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 365-366 (2014)

29 - Structures of Two Rotamers of the HCl Salt of 4-Methyl-2-[(1E)-[2-(quinolin-4-yl)hydrazin-1-ylidene]methyl]phenol: Different Supramolecular Arrays
Marcelle de Lima Ferreira, Bruce F. Milne, Marcus V. N. de Souza, Edward R. T. Tiekink, James L. Wardell and Solange M. S. V. Wardell
Journal of Chemical Crystallography 44, 36-41 (2014)

30 - Equation of state and thickness of the inner crust of neutron stars
Fabrizio Grill, Helena Pais, Constança Providência, Isaac Vidaña, Sidney S. Avancini
Phys. Rev. C 90, 045803 (2014)

31 - Relativistic Mean-Field Hadronic Models under Nuclear Matter Constraints
M. Dutra, O. Lourenço, S. S. Avancini, B. V. Carlson, A. Delfino, D. P. Menezes, C. Providência, S. Typel, J. R. Stone
Phys. Rev. C 90, 055203-1-055203-35 (2014)

32 - Red-shifting the optical response of firefly oxyluciferin with group 15/16 substitutions.
Bruce F. Milne
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16, 24971-24977 (2014)

33 - Unraveling the Intrinsic Color of Chlorophyl
Bruce F. Milne, Yoni Toker, Angel Rubio, Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2014)

34 - Phase transitions in core-collapse supernova matter at sub-saturation densities
Helena Pais, William G. Newton, and Jirina R. Stone
Phys. Rev. C 90, 065802 (2014)

35 - Formalismo matricial para la mecánica y la termodinámica. I. Translación
J. Güémez, M. Fiolhais
Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. 8, 411-428 (2014)

36 - Formalismo matricial para la mecánica y la termodinámica. II. Rotación
J. Güémez, M. Fiolhais
Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. 8, 4301 - 1-11 (2014)

H. Nakazato, N. Bebiano, J. da Providencia,
ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA, 27 (2014) 1537-9582. 27 (2014)

38 - Thermal resonating Hartree-Bogoliubov theory based on the projection method,
S. Nishiyama, J. da Providencia, H. Ohnishi,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B, 28 (2014) 0217-9792. 28 (2014)

39 - The numerical range of banded 2-Toeplitz operators in spaces with an indefinite metric,
N. Bebiano, J. da Providencia, A. Nata,
LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA, 62 (2014) 0308-1087. 62 (2014)

40 - Exact canonically conjugate momenta to quadrupole-type collective coordinates and derivation of nuclear quadrupole-type collective Hamiltonian
S. Nishiyama, J. da Providencia,
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 923 (2014) 0375-9474. 923 (2014)

Bebiano, J. da Providencia, A. Nata, J.P. da Providencia,

42 - Highly ordered luminescent calix[4]azacrown films showing an emission response selective to volatile tetrahydrofuran
Issam Oueslati, Jose A. Paixao, Aleksander Shkurenko, Kinga Suwinska, J. Sergio Seixas de Melo, Luis A. E. Batista de Carvalho
J. Mater. Chem. C 2(42), 9012-9020 (2014)

43 - Orbitals of the dipositronium
A.J.C. Varandas, M. Brajczewska, J. da Providência, J. P. da Providência
Chemical Physics Letters 610-611, 167-172 (2014)

44 - Spontaneous magnetization in the polar phase of Bi1-xCaxFeO3-2/x perovskites: The role of anion vacancies
V. A. Khomchenko, J. A. Paixao
J. Appl. Phys. 116(21), 214105 (2014)

45 - Columnar Formation in Sodium Triphenylacetate
M. S. C. Henriques, M. A. David, M. Martin- Ramos Ramos Silva, T. M. R. Maria, J. A. Paixao
J. Chem. Crystallogr. 44(11-12), 543-547 (2014)

46 - Structural and magnetic phase transitions in Bi1-xNdxFe1-xMnxO3 multiferroics
V. A. Khomchenko, L. C. J. Pereira, J. A. Paixao
J. Appl. Phys. 115(3), 034102 (2014)

47 - Modulating the Self-Assembly of Calix[4]azacrowns to Design Materials with Improved Emission and Stimuli-Responsive Behavior
Issam Oueslati, Jose A. Paixao, Vitor H. Rodrigues, Aleksander Shkurenko, Barbara Lesniewska, Kinga Suwinska, M. Ermelinda S. Eusebio, Teresa M. R. Maria, J. Sergio Seixas de Melo
J. Phys. Chem. C 118(24), 13118-13125 (2014)

48 - Weak ferromagnetism and nanodimensional ferroelectric domain structure stabilized in the polar phase of Bi1-xNdxFeO3 multiferroics via Ti doping
V. A. Khomchenko, L. C. J. Pereira, J. A. Paixao
J. Appl. Phys. 115(16), 164101 (2014)

49 - Crystal Structure, Matrix-Isolation FTIR, and UV-Induced Conformational Isomerization of 3- Quinolinecarboxaldehyde
Nihal Kus, Marta Sofia Henriques, Jose Antonio Paixao, Leszek Lapinski, Rui Fausto
J. Phys. Chem. A 118(38), 8708-8716 (2014)

50 - Solid state photochromism and thermochromism of two related N-salicylidene anilines
Mihaela Avadanei, Vasile Cozan, Sergiu Shova, Jose Antonio Paixao
Chemical Physics 444, 43-51 (2014)

51 - Tensor force effects and high-momentum components in the nuclear symmetry energy
Arianna Carbone, Artur Polls, Constança Providência, Arnau Rios, Isaac Vidaña
EPJA 50-2, 13 (2014)

52 - Neutron matter under strong magnetic fields: a comparison of models
R. Aguirre, E. Bauer & I. Vidaña
Physical Review C 89, 035809 (2014)

53 - Strange quark chiral phase transition in a hot 2+1-flavor magnetized quark matter
Márcio Ferreira, Pedro Costa, and Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. D 90, 016012-12 (2014)

54 - Hypoxia in Vascular Networks: A Complex System Approach to Unravel the Diabetic Paradox
Y. Gandica, T. Schwarz, O. Oliveira, Rui D. M. Travasso
PLoS ONE 9(11), e113165 (2014)

55 - X-ray Diffraction Residual Stress Measurements for Assessment of Rolling Contact Fatigue Behaviour of Railway Steels
A.C. Batista, J.P. Nobre, D.F.C. Peixoto, L.A.A. Ferreira, P.M.S.T. de Castro, L. Coelho
Advanced Materials Research 996, 782-787 (2014)

56 - The physics of articulated toys—a jumping and rotating kangaroo
J. Güémez, M Fiolhais
Eur. J. Phys 35, 045018 (2014)

57 - Deconfinement and chiral restoration within the SU(3) Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio and entangled Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio models in an external magnetic field
Márcio Ferreira, Pedro Costa, Débora P. Menezes, Constança Providência, Norberto Scoccola
Phys. Rev. D 89, 019902-11 (2014)

58 - Nonuniform phases in a three-flavor Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model
J. Moreira, B. Hiller, W. Broniowski, A. A. Osipov, and A. H. Blin
Phys. Rev. D 89, 036009 (2014)

59 - Detection of explanation obstacles in scientific texts: the effect of an understanding task vs. an experiment task
J Morgado, J Otero, P Vaz-Rebelo, V Sanjose, H Caldeira
EDUCATIONAL STUDIES 40, 164-173 (2014)

60 - Guises and Disguises of Quadratic Divergences
A.L. Cherchiglia, A.R. Vieira, B. Hiller, A.P. Baêta Scarpelli, Marcos Sampaio
Annals of Physics 351, 751-772 (2014)

61 - 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy studies of Tektites from Khon Kaen, Ne Thailand
B.F.O. Costa, G. Klingelhoefer, E.I. Alves
Hyperfine Interactions 224(1-3), 51-56 (2014)

62 - Klimt artwork: material investigation by backscattering Fe-57 Mössbauer and Raman spectroscopy
B.F.O. Costa, M. Blumers, A. Sansano, G. Klingelhoefer, F. Rull, R. Lehmann, F. Renz
Hyperfine Interactions 226, 621-627 (2014)

63 - The influence of the heat treatment temperature in the magnetic characteristics of a SiO2 - Li2O - Fe2O3 glass prepared by sol-gel
M.P.F. Graça, J.C. Lopes, B.F.O. Costa, S.K. Mendiratta , M. A. Valente
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 391, 32-38 (2014)

64 - Iron(III) complexes on a dendrimeric basis and various amine core investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy
D. Nariaki, F. Lekovic, P. Homenya, B.F.O. Costa, M. Menzel, R. Boca, M. Blumers, G. Klingelhoefer and F. Renz
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 534, 012003 (2014)

65 - L-alaninium perrhenate: crystal structure and non-linear optical properties
Vitor H. Rodrigues. M.M.R. Costa, Etelvina M. Gomes, Dmitry Isakov, Michael Belsley
Cent. Eur. J. Chem. 12(10), 1016-1022 (2014)

66 - Dynamic and structural properties of orthorhombic rare-earth manganites under high pressure
D. A. Mota, A. Almeida, V. H. Rodrigues, M. M. R. Costa, P. Tavares, P. Bouvier, M. Guennou, J. Kreisel,and J. Agostinho Moreira
Phys. Rev. B 90, 054104-1-054104-10 (2014)

67 - High-field study of muonium states in HfO2 and ZrO2
R. B. L. Vieira, R. C. Vilão, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, B. B. Baker, P. W. Mengyan and R. L. Lichti
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 551, 012048 (2014)

68 - Muon-Spin-Rotation study of yttria-stabilized zirconia (ZrO2:Y): Evidence for muon and electron separate traps
R. B. L. Vieira, R. C. Vilão, P. M. Gordo, A. G. Marinopoulos, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger and J. S. Lord
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 551, 012050 (2014)

69 - Rapid Electrochemical Synthesis of Hydrogenated Graphene Oxide Using Ni Nanoparticles
Rahul Krishna, Elby Titus, Olena Okhay, João Campos Gil, João Ventura, José J. A. Gracio
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 9(7), 4054-4069 (2014)

70 - Growth, thermal, and spectroscopic properties of a Cr,Yb,Ho,Eu:YAP laser Crystal
Huili Zhang, Dunlu Sun, Jianqiao Luo, Jiakang Chen, Huajun Yang, Jingzhong Xiao, Qingli Zhang, Shaotang Yin
Optical Materials 36, 1361-1365 (2014)

71 - Crystal structure of molybdate pyridine copper: C10N2H10Cu3Mo2O10
Hai-Xing Liu, Jingzhong Xiao, et al.
Asian Journal of Chemistry In press (2014)

72 - Residual Stresses Induced by Dry and Cryogenic Cooling during Machining of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy
J.C. Outeiro, A.C. Batista, M.J. Marques
Advanced Materials Research 996, 658-663 (2014)

73 - Muonium states in Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cell material
H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, J. Piroto Duarte, R. B. L. Vieira, A. Weidinger, J. P. Leitão, A. F. da Cunha, M. G. Sousa, J. P. Teixeira, P. A. Fernandes, P. M. P. Salomé, et al.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 551, 012045 (2014)

74 - A thermodynamic based approach on the investigation of a diflunisal pharmaceutical co-crystal with improved intrinsic dissolution rate
A. O. L. Evora, Ricardo A. E. Castro, Teresa M. R. Maria, M. Ramos Silva, J. H. ter Horst, Joao Canotilho, M. Ermelinda S. Eusebio

75 - Polymorphism of cis-1,4-cyclohexanediol, a new plastic crystal former. Considerations on isomeric cyclohexanediols plastic crystal forming abilities
S. Bebiano, M. Rosado, R. Castro, M.R. Silva, J. Canotilho, T. Maria, E. Eusébio
J. Molecular Structure (2014)

76 - Formation stages of bcc (Fe44Co44)Sn12 extended solid solution by mechanical alloying
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, B. Malaman, G. Le Caër, S. Das, V.S. Amaral,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 615, S559-S563 (2014)

77 - Self-assembled liquid crystals by hydrogen bonding between bipyridyl and alkylbenzoic acids: solvent-free synthesis by mechanochemistry
Micael D. Miranda, Fabian Vaca Chavez, Teresa M. R. Maria, M. Ermelinda S. Eusebio, P. J. Sebastiao, Manuela Ramos Silva
LIQUID CRYSTALS 41(12), 1743-1751 (2014)

78 - Berimbau: A simple instrument for teaching basic concepts in the physics and psychoacoustics of music
Rui C. Vilao, Santino L. S. Melo
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 82(12), 1149-1156 (2014)

79 - X-ray analysis, molecular modeling and NIR-luminescence of erbium(III) 2,4-octanedionate complexes with N,N-donors
Pedro S. Pereira da Silva, Pablo Martin-Ramos, Manuela Ramos Silva, Victor Lavin, Pedro Chamorro-Posada, Jesus Martin-Gil
POLYHEDRON 81, 485-492 (2014)

80 - TI Highly fluorinated erbium(III) complexes for emission in the Cband
P. Martin-Ramos, M. Ramos Silva, F. Lahoz, I. R. Martin, P. Chamorro-Posada, M. E. S. Eusebio, V. Lavin, J. Martin-Gil

81 - Lanthanide tetrakis-beta-diketonate dimers for solution-processed OLEDs
J. P. Martins, P. Martin-Ramos, C. Coya, A. L. Alvarez, L. C. Pereira, R. Diaz, J. Martin-Gil, M. Ramos Silva
MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 147(3), 1157-1164 (2014)

82 - Performances of a diode end-pumped GYSGG/Er,Pr:GYSGG composite laser crystal operated at 2.79 mu m
Jiakang Chen, Dunlu Sun, Jianqiao Luo, Huili Zhang, Shihao Cao, Jingzhong Xiao, Hongxiang Kang, Qingli Zhang, Shaotang Yin
Optics Express 22(20), 23795-23800 (2014)

83 - An analogy for Drude´s free electron model to promote students understanding of electric circuits in lower secondary school
Maria José B. M de Almeida, Andreia Salvador, Maria Margarida R. R. Costa

84 - Synthesis and polymorphism evaluation of the 3,5- bis(decyloxy)benzaldehyde
Claudia T. Arranja, Mariana Marcos, Manuela R. Silva, M. Ermelinda S. Eusebio, Ricardo A. E. Castro, Abilio J. F. N. Sobral

85 - An almost user-independent evaluation formalism to determine arbitrary residual stress depth distributions with the hole-drilling method
A. Nau, G. Feldmann, Joao Nobre, W. Zinn, B. Scholtes
Materials Science Forum 768-769, 120-127 (2014)

86 - Synthesis, structural modelling and photoluminescence of Tb(III) polymeric complexes for solution-processed OLEDs
Joao P. Martins, Pablo Martin-Ramos, Pedro Chamorro-Posada, Manuela Ramos Silva, Pedro S. Pereira da Silva, Carmen Coya, Angel L. Alvarez, Jesus Martın-Gil
Open Journal of Chemical Engineering and Science 1(2), 78-87 (2014)

87 - Effect of the capping ligand on luminescent erbium(III) betadiketonate single-ion magnets
MR Silva, P Martín-Ramos, JT Coutinho, LCJ Pereira, J Martín-Gil
Dalton Trans. 43, 6752-6761 (2014)

88 - Two new phenolic compounds from Ficus rumphii and their antiproliferative activity
Mehtab Parveen, Ali Mohammed Malla, Mahboob Alam, Faheem Ahmad, P. S. Pereira Silva, Manuela Ramos Silva
NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH 28(9), 646-652 (2014)

89 - A novel 6-hydroxy-8,11,11- trimethyl-bicyclo[7.2.0]undec-4-ene-4-carboxylic acid: a potent antioxidant agent from Iphiona scabra
Mehtab Parveen, Shaista Azaz, Akhtar Ali, Omer A. Basudan, P. S. Pereira Silva, Consuelo Y. Vivas

90 - Experimental and theoretical studies of the second- and third-order NLO properties of a semi-organic compound: 6-Aminoquinolinium iodide monohydrate
Pedro S. Pereira Silva, Hasnaa El Ouazzani, Mindaugas Pranaitis, Manuela Ramos Silva, Claudia T. Arranja, Abilio J. F. N. Sobral, Bouchta Sahraoui, Jose A. Paixao
Chemical Physics 428, 67-74 (2014)

91 - First-principles study of hydrogen configurations at the core of a high-angle grain boundary in cubic yttria-stabilized zirconia
A.G. Marinopoulos
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26(2), 025502 (2014)

92 - Molecular structure and polymorphism of a cyclohexanediol: trans- 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol
Mario T. S. Rosado, Teresa M. R. Maria, Ricardo A. E. Castro, Joao Canotilho, Manuela Ramos Silva, M. Ermelinda S. Eusebio
CRYSTENGCOMM 16(48), 10977-10986 (2014)

93 - Active layer solution-processed NIR-OLEDs based on ternary erbium(III) complexes with 1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4-pentanedione and different N,N-donors
P. Martin-Ramos, C. Coya, V. Lavin, I. R. Martin, M. Ramos Silva, P. S. Pereira Silva, M. Garcia-Velez, A. L. Alvarez, J. Martin-Gil
DALTON TRANSACTIONS 43(48), 18087-18096 (2014)

94 - Single-Ion Magnetism in a Luminescent Er3+ beta-Diketonato Complex with Multiple Relaxation Mechanisms
Pablo Martin-Ramos, Manuela Ramos Silva, Joana T. Coutinho, Laura C. J. Pereira, Pedro Chamorro-Posada, Jesus Martin-Gil

95 - Backscattering Mössbauer MIMOS II and XRF studies on tektites from different strewn fields
B.F.O. Costa, G. Klingelhoefer, M. Panthoefer, E.I. Alves
Hyperfine Interactions 226(1-3), 613-619 (2014)

96 - A novel inorganic-organic hybrid compound based on heteropolyoxomolybdate nanocluster as selective catalyst for epoxidation of cyclooctene
M. Najafi, A. Abbasi, M. Rodrigues Masteri-Farahani

97 - Deconfinement, chiral symmetry restoration and thermodynamics of the (2+1)–flavor hot QCD matter in an external magnetic field
Márcio Ferreira, Pedro Costa, and Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. D 89, 036006-10 (2014)

98 - Sharing of classical and quantum correlations via {XY} interaction
J. Wang, Jaime Silva, S. Lanceros-Mendez
Ann. Phys. 348, 23-31 (2014)

99 - Effect of cylindrical filler aggregation on the electrical conductivity of composites
Jaime Silva, S. Lanceros-Mendez, R. Simoes
Phys. Lett. A 378, 2985-2988 (2014)

100 - Towards very high resolution RPC-PET for small animals
P. Martins, P. Crespo A. Blanco, M. Kajetanowicz P.M. Gordo
Journal Instrumentation 9 (2014)

101 - Effect of carbon nanotube type and functionalization on the electrical, thermal, mechanical and electromechanical properties of carbon nanotube/styrene–butadiene–styrene composites for large strain sensor applications
P.Costa, Jaime Silva, A. Anson-Casos, M. T. Martinez, M. J. Abad, J. Viana, S. Lanceros-Mendez
Compos. Pt. B-Eng. 61, 136-146 (2014)

102 - Synthesis, Crystal Structures and Properties of Two Alkali- Lanthanide Heterometallic Coordination Polymers
Pablo Martin-Ramos, Joana T. Coutinho, Manuela Ramos Silva, Laura C. J. Pereira, Ana M. Matos Beja, Jesus Martin-Gil

103 - Inverse magnetic catalysis in the (2+1)-flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio and Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio models
M. Ferreira, P. Costa, O. Lourenço, T. Frederico, C. Providência
Phys. Rev. D 89, 116011-9 (2014)

104 - A Salt-Bridge Structure in Solution Revealed by 2D-IR Spectroscopy
Adriana Huerta-Viga, Sérgio R. Domingos, Saeed Amirjalayer, Sander Woutersen
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 15784-15786 (2014)

105 - Density-functional tight-binding study of the collapse of carbon nanotubes under hydrostatic pressure
Tiago F.T. Cerqueira, Silvana Botti, Alfonso San-Miguel, Miguel A.L. Marques
Carbon 69, 355-360 (2014)

106 - Switchable amplification of vibrational circular dichroism as a probe of local chiral structure
Sérgio R. Domingos, Hans J. Sanders, Frantisek Hartl, Wybren Jan Buma, Sander Woutersen
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 14042-14045 (2014)

107 - Amplified vibrational circular dichroism as a probe of local biomolecular structure
Sérgio R. Domingos, Adriana Huerta-Viga, Lambert Baij, Saeed Amirjalayer, Dorien A. E. Dunnebier, Annemarie J. C. Walters, Markus Finger, Larry A. Nafie, Bas de Bruin, Wybren J. Buma, Sander Woutersen
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 15784-15786 (2014)

108 - Evaluation of Residual Stresses Induced by Ultra-high-Speed Drilling in Aluminium alloys
J.P. Nobre, R. Guimarães, A.C. Batista, M.J. Marques, L. Coelho, A. Nau, B. Scholtes
Materials Science Forum 768-769, 128-135 (2014)

109 - Wear and surface residual stress evolution on twin-disc tests of rail/wheel steels
A.C. Batista, D.F.C. Peixoto, J.P. Nobre, L. Coelho, D.M. Ramos, L.A.A. Ferreira, P.M.S.T. de Castro,
Materials Science Forum 768-769, 707-713 (2014)

110 - Residual Stresses in Machining of AISI 52100 Steel under Dry and Cryogenic Conditions: A Brief Summary
S. Caruso, J.C. Outeiro, D. Umbrello, A.C. Batista
Key Engineering Materials 611-612, 1236-1242 (2014)

111 - Neutron and X-ray Diffraction Residual Stress Measurements in Aluminium Alloys MIG Welded T-Joints after Friction Stir Processing
J.P. Nobre, A.C. Batista, J.R. Kornmeier, J.D. Costa, A. Loureiro, J.S. Jesus
Advanced Materials Research 996, 439-444 (2014)

112 - Residual Stresses Induced by Cryogenic Cooling during Machining of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy
J.C. Outeiro, A.C. Batista, M.J. Marques
Advanced Materials Research, 658-663 (2014)

113 - Assessing shot-peening residual stresses by using the incremental hole-drilling technique and laser interferometry (DSPI)
J. P. Nobre, M. Oliveira, A. Albertazzi, M. Viotti, A.C. Batista, L. Coelho, M. J. Marques
Advanced Materials Research 996, 269-276 (2014)

114 - Residual Stresses Profiles of Cladded Austenitic Stainless Steel Evaluated by X-Ray Diffraction and by Incremental Hole-Drilling Method
M.J. Marques, A.C. Batista, L. Coelho, J.P. Nobre, A. Loureiro
Materials Science Forum 768-769, 464-469 (2014)

115 - Benchmarking the AK13 Exchange Functional: Ionization Potentials and Electron Affinities
Tiago F.T. Cerqueira, M.J.T. Oliveira, M.A.L. Marques
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 10, 5625-5629 (2014)

Portuguese Journals

116 - A geological approach of the mosaics of roman Villa of Rabaçal
L. Catarino, F.P.O. Figueiredo, V.H.B. Pires, F.P.S.C. Gil, M.S.F. Pessoa
IX CNG/2o CoGePLiP, Porto 2014, Comunicações Geológicas (2014, Especial III 101, 1231-1235 (2014)

117 - Os mosaicos da Villa romana do Rabaçal: uma abordagem geológica. A geological approach of the mosaics of roman Villa of Rabaçal
L. Catarino, F. P. O. Figueiredo, V. H. B. Pires, F. P. S. C. Gil, M. S. F. Pessoa
Comunicações Geológicas 101, Especial III, 1231-1235 (2014)

118 - Física na caminhada: forças nos pés e aspetos energéticos
Manuel Fiolhais
Gazeta de Fisica 37, 8-12 (2014)

119 - Sobre o Início da Cirurgia em Portugal e no mundo
C. Fiolhais
Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia 29, 53-64 (2014)

120 - Recursos Digitais em Livre Acesso na Universidade de Coimbra: Estudo Geral e Alma Mater
A. Migueis and C. Fiolhais
Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação & Inovação em Saúde 8(2), 231-242 (2014)

121 - Que simetrias encontras?
Constança Providência, Pedro Providência
Gazeta de Fisica 37, nº3, 21 (2014)

122 - Notas sobre “Matemáticos”
C. Fiolhais
in Obra Completa do Padre António Vieira, Tomo III, vol. I, História do Futuro (coord. J. E. Franco and P. Calafate). Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 303 (2014)


International Conferences

123 - A Física ao serviço do Património
Francisco Gil
Física 2014 - 19ª Conferência Nacional de Física, 24º Encontro Ibérico para o Ensino da Física, IST, Lisboa 4 Setembro (2014)

124 - Titania Nanostructures for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Jingzhong Xiao,Ruhua Tao, Benilde F. O. Costa, José A. Paixão
ANM2014 (5th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials) 2-4 - July - Aveiro, Portugal (2014)

125 - Avaliação de livros didáticos de física: métodos, instrumentos e novas perspectivas
M. B. P Braga, Décio R Martins, J. A. P. Angotti
IV Simpósio de Desenvolvimento, Tecnologias e Sociedade, In IV Simpósio de Desenvolvimento, Tecnologias e Sociedade, Itajubá, Minas Gerais (2014)

126 - An Algorithm for Computing All-terminal Reliability Bounds
Jaime Silva, T. Gomes, D. Tipper, L. Martins, V. Kounev
J. Rak, J.P. G. Sterbenz, G. Shen and K. Walkowiak (Eds.), 6th International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM 14), 76-83 (2014)

127 - Reflexões e desdobramento no desenvolvimento investigativo sobre manuais escolares de Física
M. B. P Braga, Décio R Martins, M. A. Nascimento
Conferência Nacional de Física e 24º Encontro Ibérico para o Ensino da Física, In Física 2014 - Conferência Nacional de Física e 24º Encontro Ibérico para o Ensino da Física, Lisboa (2014)

128 - Instrumento de avaliação sobre os livros didáticos e o alinhamento curricular em Portugal: críticas, necessidades e opiniões
Décio R Martins, M. B. P Braga, M. A Nascimento, Sílvio A. Silva

129 - Many faces of the Landau gauge gluon propagator at zero and finite temperature: positivity violation, spectral density and mass scales
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira, D. Dudal, P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso
PoS QCD-TNT-III, 040 (2014)

130 - Recent Memory and Performance Improvements in Octopus Code
J. Alberdi-Rodriguez, M.J.T. Oliveira, P. García-Risueño, F. Nogueira, J. Muguerza, A. Arruabarrena, and A. Rubio
Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014, B. Murgante, S. Misra, A.M.A.C. Rocha, C. Torre, J.G. Rocha, M.I. Falcão, D. Taniar, B.O. Apduhan, O. Gervasi (Eds.), 607-622 (2014)

131 - Gluon mass at finite temperature in Landau gauge
P. Bicudo, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva, N. Cardoso
PoS LATTICE 2013, 368 (2014)

132 - The QCD phase diagram in the presence of an external magnetic field: the role of the inverse magnetic catalysis
M. Ferreira, P. Costa, C. Providência
Proceedings of "New Trends in High Energy Physics and QCD" October 21 - November 6, 2014 (2014)

133 - Quark matter subject to strong magnetic fields: phase diagram and applications
Débora P. Menezes, Marcus B. Pinto, Constança Providência, Pedro Costa, Márcio Ferreira, Luis B. Castro
Proceedings of the "XXXVII Brazilian Meeting on Nuclear Physics (XXXVII RTFNB)", Maresias, SP, Brazil, 8-12 September 2014 (2014)

134 - Inverse Magnetic Catalysis in hot quark matter within (P)NJL models
M. Ferreira, P. Costa, C. Providência, O. Lourenço, T. Frederico
Proceedings of the "Compact Stars in the QCD Phase Diagram IV (CSQCD IV)", September 26-30, 2014, Prerow, Germany (2014)

135 - Effective Lagrangian approach to multi-quark interactions
A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller, A.H. Blin
Bled Workshops in Physics 15, 6-9 and 59 (2014)

136 - New formulation employing Polyurethane and Terbinafine for treatment of ONYCOMICOSIS. Synthesis and characterization
Barbara Valdes, Clara Gomes, Helena Ribeiro, Paulo Gordo, João Bordado
1st International Congress From Drug Discovery to Drug Delivery Athens - Greece (2014)

137 - Collective modes of three- and two-dimensional trapped Fermi gases in the normal phase
M. Urban, S. Chiacchiera, D. Davesne, T. Enss, P.-A. Pantel
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 497, 012028 (2014)

138 - Questioning About Science Texts and Reading Time Through The Software SUPERLAB
P Vaz-Rebelo, J Otero, C Costa, J Morgado, K Ishiwa
5th World Conference on Psychology, Counseling and Guidance (WCPCG) 5TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON PSYCHOLOGY, COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE, WCPCG-2014, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 159, 620-624 (2014)

139 - Apreciação de Professores sobre Manuais Escolares de Física do 10º ano na perspetiva do Alinhamento Curricular
M. B. P Braga, Décio R Martins, M. A. Nascimento
XI Colóquio sobre Questões Curriculares; VII Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro & I Colóquio Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Questões Curriculares, In XI Colóquio sobre Questões Curriculares; VII Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro & I Colóquio Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Questões Curriculares, Braga (2014)

140 - Relativistic pseudospin and spin symmetries in physical systems – recent results
P. Alberto, A. Castro, M. Fiolhais, R. Lisboa e M. Malheiro
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 490, 012069 (2014)

141 - Os 150 anos do Instituto Geofísico da Universidade de Coimbra: Itinerários para a História da Meteorologia, Geomagnetismo e Sismologia em Portugal
J. Batlló, Décio R Martins, Paulo Ribeiro
ENHCT 2014 - 4º Encontro Nacional de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia, In ENHCT 2014 - 4º Encontro Nacional de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia, Aveiro (2014)

142 - Critérios de apreciação de manuais escolares de Física do 10º ano: Implicações e Necessidades de um alinhamento curricular
M. B. P Braga, Décio R Martins, M. A. Nascimento
Física 2014 - Conferência Nacional de Física e 24º Encontro Ibérico para o Ensino da Física, In Física 2014 - Conferência Nacional de Física e 24º Encontro Ibérico para o Ensino da Física, Lisboa (2014)

Portuguese Conferences

Ana Rita Santos, Martha Tavares, Pedro Providência, António Santos Silva, Maria Rosário Veiga, Francisco Gil e Lídia Catarino
Argamassas 2014, I Simpósio de Argamassas e Soluções Térmicas de Revestimento, Coimbra 5 a 6 Junho (2014)



144 - Hyperons and Neuutron stars.
Isaac Vidaña
Lectures at the Carpathian Summer school of Physics 2014. Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics (V). “From Nuclei to Stars”. Sinaia (Romania). July 13th- 26th (2014)

145 - A Física ao serviço do Património
Francisco Gil
FÍSICA 2014 – 19ª Conferência Nacional de Física e 24º Encontro Ibérico para o Ensino da Física – 2 a 4 de Setembro, no Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa (2014)

146 - Materials design using real-time TDDFT: from clusters to proteins
Micael Oliveira
Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications, Benasque, Spain, January 14-17 (2014)

147 - Hyperons, Hypernuclei and Neutron Stars.
Isaac Vidaña
Lectures at the Helmholtz International Summer School “Nuclear Theory and Astrophysical Applications”, Dubna (Russia), July 21st – August 1st (2014)

148 - Nuclear Equation of State for Compact Stars and Supernovae.
Isaac Vidaña
CompOSE and WG2+3 meeting. IPNL, Lyon (France), November 17th-19th (2014)

149 - Hyperons, Hypernuclei and Neutron Stars.
Isaac Vidaña
Lectures at the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (Florence), March 10th-14th (2014)

150 - Nucleon Resonances in Isobaric Charge Eschange Reactions.
Isaac Vidaña
ICCUB Chritsmass Meeting 2014”, Facultat de Física, Unversitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain), December 17th-19th (2014)

151 - Boosting up the difference between left and right: amplified vibrational circular dichroism
Sérgio R. Domingos
Molecular Physics Seminar (Centre for Free-Electron Laser Science, Hamburg, Germany) (2014)

152 - Average thermal evolution of the universe
N. Leite, A.H. Blin (invited plenary speaker)
XXX International Workshop on High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia 2014, 10 (2014)

153 - "Interplay between the symmetry energy and the strangeness content of neutron stars"
Constança Providência
4th International Symposium on the Nuclear Symmetry Energy NuSYM14University of Liverpool, UK 7-9 July 2014 (2014)

154 - "Symmetry energy and strangeness contnet in neutron stars"
Constança Providência
Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics (V) "From nuclei to stars" CARPATHIAN SUMMER SCHOOL OF PHYSICS 2014 July 13 - 26, 2014, Sinaia, Romania (2014)

155 - Nucleon Resonances in Isobaric Charge Eschange Reactions.
Isaac Vidaña
4th International Symposium on the nuclear symmetry energy NUSYM2014 (Sponsored talk by EPJA). Liverpool (UK) July 7th-9th (2014)

156 - Hyperons and neutron stars
Isaac Vidaña
SN2NS workshop. Palais de la Découverte, Paris (France), February 3rd-5th (2014)

157 - Neutron matter iunder strong magnetic fields. a comparison of models.
Isaac Vidaña
Pulsars and their environment, Lyon (France). May 19th- 21st (2014)

158 - Nucleon resoncences in charge-exchange reactions: theoretical developments
Isaac Vidaña
Super-FSR collaboration meeting. Moerfelden-Walldorf (Germany), February 27th-28th (2014)

159 - Hyperonic Three-Body forces & Neutron Stars.
Isaac Vidaña
Hypernuclear Workshop. Jefferson Lab. Newport News, VA (USA) May 27th – 29th (2014)

160 - Nucleon Resonances in Isobaric Charge Eschange Reactions.
Isaac Vidaña
“The International Symposium of Physics of Unstabel Nuclei”, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), November 3rd-9th (2014)

161 - A three hours walk through the physics of neutron stars
Isaac Vidaña
Lectures at the 26th Indian Summer School & SPHERE School of Physics. Prague (Czech Republic). September 3rd- 7th (2014)

162 - Average thermal evolution of the universe
N. Leite, A.H. Blin
Invited contribution (AB), XXX International Workshop on High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia 2014, Abstracts p.10 (2014)

163 - Neutrinos and the average thermal evolution of the universe
A.H. Blin
Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy, Coimbra (2014)


164 - Challenge!- Atividades experimentais para alunos olímpicos
F. Oliveira, J.A. Paixão
19ª Conferência Nacional de Física e 24º Encontro Ibérico para o Ensino da Física, IST, Lisboa (2014)

165 - Aspects of gluon propagation in Landau gauge: spectral densities, and mass scales at finite temperature
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva, D. Dudal, P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso
Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy: Non-perturbative Models and Methods of QCD vs. Experiment (EEF70), Coimbra, 1-5 September 2014 (2014)

166 - The 3 flavor NJL with explicit symmetry breaking interactions: scalar & pseudoscalar spectra and decays
A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller, A.H. Blin
Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy, Coimbra, Portugal 2014 Abstracts, http://cfif.ist.utl.pt/~rupp/EEF70/Abstracts.pdf (2014)

167 - Synchrotron radiation topography study of temperature-induced phase transformation in ferroelectric crystals
Jingzhong XIAO, Peiping Zhu, Wanxia Huang, Qingxi Yuan
3rd Meeting of Synchrotron Radiation Users from Portugal and ESRF-Day Marinha Grande, Portugal 8/April (2014)

168 - The QCD critical end point driven by an external magnetic field in asymmetric quark matter
Pedro Costa, Márcio Ferreira, Constança Providência, Hubert Hansen, Débora P. Menezes
Talk given at ‘PANIC 2014– Particles and Nuclei International Conference’, Hamburgo – Alemanha, 25 a 29 de Agosto (2014)

169 - The 3 flavor NJL with explicit symmetry breaking interactions: scalar & pseudoscalar spectra and decays
A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller, A.H. Blin
http://cfif.ist.utl.pt/~rupp/EEF70/talks/Hiller.pdf (2014)

170 - Inverse Magnetic Catalysis in (P)NJL models
Márcio Ferreira Pedro Costa, Constança Providência, Débora P. Menezes, Tobias Frederico, Odilon Lourenço
Talk given at "New Trends in High Energy Physics and QCD" October 21 - November 6, 2014, NATAL, BRAZIL (2014)

171 - Neutrinos and the average thermal evolution of the universe
N. Leite, A.H. Blin (speaker)
Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy, Coimbra, Portugal 2014 (2014)

172 - Neutrinos and the average thermal evolution of the universe,
N. Leite, A.H. Blin
Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy, Coimbra, Portugal, http://cfif.ist.utl.pt/~rupp/EEF70/talks/Blin.pdf (2014)

173 - Mechanical Forces in Vascular Sprouting
Rui DM Travasso
9th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Gotemburg, Sweden, 15th-19th Jun (2014)

174 - New copper (I) complex of methyl 6-methyl-4-(naphthalen-1-yl)-3,4-dihydropyrimidine- 2(1H)-thione-5-carboxylate with antitumor activity
N. Gonzalez-Ballesteros, D. Perez-Alvarez, B. F. O. Nascimento, M. S. C. Henriques, J. A. Paixão, M. Laranjo, K. Santos, A. M. Abrantes, M. F. Botelho, M. Pineiro, M. C. Rodriguez-Arguelles
XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Quimica - XXLGQ, Porto, 26-28/11 (2014)

175 - Tumour angiogenesis and vascular patterning: a mathematical model
M. M. Soares, R. D. M. Travasso, A. Diehl
XVI UFPel Meeting of Postgraduate, Pelotas, Brasil. (2014)

176 - Crystallographic structure and supramolecular interactions in two 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones
M. S. C. Henriques, N. Gonzalez-Ballesteros, R. Del Amparo, B. F. O. Nascimento, M. Pineiro, M. C. Rodriguez-Arguelles, J. A. Paixão
XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Quimica - XXLGQ, Porto, 26-28/11 (2014)

177 - Non-uniform phases in a three-flavour´t Hooft extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
J. Moreira, B. Hiller, W. Broniowski, A.H. Blin
http://cfif.ist.utl.pt/~rupp/EEF70/talks/Moreira.pdf (2014)

178 - Titania Nanostructures for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Jingzhong Xiao,Ruhua Tao, Benilde F. O. Costa, José A. Paixão
ANM2014 (5th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials) 2-4 - July - Aveiro, Portugal. (2014)

179 - Z(N) dependence of the pure Yang-Mills gluon propagator in the Landau gauge near T
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
arXiv PoS LATTICE2014, 355 (2015) Palestra apresentada na Lattice 2014, New York, USA 2014 (2014)

180 - The symmetry energy and neutron star properties
Constança Providência
The Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars, from Birth to Death. 24-28 March 2014. The Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Arcetri, Florence (Italy). (2014)

181 - Inverse Magnetic Catalysis in hot quark matter within (P)NJL models
M. Ferreira, P. Costa, C. Providência, O. Lourenço, T. Frederico
Talk given at the Conference "Compact Stars in the QCD Phase Diagram IV (CSQCD IV)", September 26-30, 2014, Prerow, Germany (2014)

182 - Muonium as a probe in a Cu2ZnSnS4-based junction
H. V. Alberto*, R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, J. P. Leitão, A. F. da Cunha, M. G. Sousa, J. P. Teixeira, P. A. Fernandes, P. M. P. Salomé, T. Prokscha, A. Suter, Z. Salman, and E. Stilp
13th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (mu SR2014) 1-6 June 2014, Grindelwald, Switzerland (2014)

183 - Effect of gelatin on sol-gel derived TiO2 mesoporous microspheres
Bin Liu, Yijun Yao, Jingzhong Xiao, Benilde F. O. Costa, José A. Paixão, Kai Zhou, Jing Su, Hongyan Wu, Kun Zhong
ANM2014 (5th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials) 2-4 - July - Aveiro, Portugal (2014)

184 - Nuclear pasta phase in core-collapse supernova matter
Helena Pais
Talk given at the NewCompStar 2014 Conference, “The Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars, from Birth to Death”, Florence, Italy, March 24-28 (2014)

185 - Core-collapse supernova matter: light clusters, pasta phases and phase transitions
Helena Pais
Talk given at the Compact Stars in the QCD Phase Diagram IV Workshop, Prerow, Germany, September 26 - 29 (2014)

186 - Core-collapse supernova matter: light clusters, pasta phases and phase transitions
Helena Pais
Talk given at the Nuclear Equation of State for Compact Stars and Supernovae (NEOS2014) Workshop, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Germany, December 3 - 5 (2014)

187 - The effect of gelatin on cellular response and microstructure in CaP ceramics for bone regeneration
Bin Liu, Yinsheng Dong, Jingzhong Xiao, José A. Paixão, Pinghua Lin, Jing Su, Hongyan Wu, Zongke Guo
ANM2014 (5th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials) 2-4 - July, Aveiro, Portugal (2014)

188 - Residual Stresses Induced by Cryogenic Cooling during Machining of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy
M.J. Marques, A.C. Batista, J.C. Outeiro
9th European Conference on Residual Stresses, ECRS-9, July 7 10, 2014, Troyes, França (2014)

189 - Inverse magnetic catalysis in the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio and entangled Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio models
Constança Providência, Márcio Ferreira, Pedro Costa
Talk given at "EEF70 - Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy: Non-Perturbative Models and Methods of QCD vs. Experiment", Coimbra, Portugal, September 1-5, 2014 (2014)

190 - Nonuniform phases in the ’t Hooft extended Nambu–Jona-Lasinio Model
J. Moreira, B. Hiller, W. Broniowski, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin
Talk (JM) at XI Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2014, https://indico.cern.ch/event/287920/session/37/contribution/97/material/slides/0.pdf (2014)

191 - Synthesis and structural characterization of copper complexes of two 4-aryl-6-phenyl-3,4-dihydropyrimidine-2(1H)-thiones derivatives. Evaluation of antitumor activity
D. Perez-Alvarez, B. F. O. Nascimento, M. Laranja, K. Santos, A. M. Abrantes, M. F. Botelho, M. S. C. Henriques, J. A. Paixão, M. Pineiro, M. C. Rodriguez-Arguelles
XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Quimica - XXLGQ, Porto, 26-28/11 (2014)

192 - MuSR in cubic stabilised zirconia. New experimental data and analysis in the “separate-traps” model
R. B. L. Vieira*, R. C. Vilão, P. M. Gordo, A. G. Marinopoulos, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, J. S. Lord, and S. F. J. Cox
13th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (mu SR2014) 1-6 June 2014, Grindelwald, Switzerland. (2014)

193 - Sol para Todos - Análise de dados reais em sala de aula.
Esperança, T.
II Encontro Internacional da Casa das Ciências, Porto, 14 a 16 de Julho Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (Porto, Portugal) (2014)

194 - Non-uniform phases in a three-flavour´t Hooft extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
J. Moreira, B. Hiller, W. Broniowski, A.H. Blin
Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy, Coimbra, Portugal 2014 Abstracts, http://cfif.ist.utl.pt/~rupp/EEF70/Abstracts.pdf (2014)

195 - Gluon spectral densities from the lattice
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
The Eighth International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Lattice QFT (QCDNA8), Yale University, New Haven, USA, 19-21 June 2014 (2014)

196 - "Cristalografia na Física", Abertura das celebrações em Portugal do Ano Internacional da Cristalografia
M. M. R. Costa

197 - Regulation of Blood Vessel Growth
Patrícia Oliveira, Rui DM Travasso, João Carvalho, Orlando Oliveira
Presentation of Projects in Biomedical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 30th May (2014)

198 - Property and Characterization of Al2O3/ZrO2 composite nanometer powder preparated by Heterogeneous deposition
Yijun Yao, Bin Liu, Jingzhong Xiao, José A. Paixão, Kai Zhou, Jing Su, Kun Zhong
ANM2014 (5th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials) 2-4 - July Aveiro, Portugal. (2014)

199 - Assessing shot-peening residual stresses by using the incremental hole drilling technique and laser interferometry (DSPI)
J.P. Nobre, M. Oliveira, A. Albertazzi, M. Viotti, A.C. Batista, L. Coelho, Maria José Marques
9th European Conference on Residual Stresses, ECRS-9, July 7-10, 2014, Troyes, França (2014)

200 - The T-mu phase diagram of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model in presence of explicit symmetry-breaking Interactions
J. Morais, J. Moreira, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin
http://cfif.ist.utl.pt/~rupp/EEF70/talks/Morais.pdf (2014)

201 - The T-mu phase diagram of the NJL model in presence of explicit symmetry-breaking Interactions
J. Morais, J. Moreira, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin
Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy, Coimbra, Portugal 2014 Abstracts, http://cfif.ist.utl.pt/~rupp/EEF70/Abstracts.pdf (2014)

202 - Neutrinos and the average thermal evolution of the universe
N. Leite, A.H. Blin
Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy, Coimbra, Portugal 2014 Abstracts, http://cfif.ist.utl.pt/~rupp/EEF70/Abstracts.pdf (2014)

203 - Nonuniform phases in the ’t Hooft extended Nambu–Jona-Lasinio Model
J. Moreira, B. Hiller, W. Broniowski, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin
XI Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2014 Book of Abstracts p.32, https://indico.cern.ch/event/287920/abstract-book.pdf (2014)


204 - Tautomerism in 2-Mercaptoimidazole: an experimental X-ray diffraction, FTIR and Theoretical Study
Elisa Brás, Ana Borba, Marta Henriques, José António Paixão, Rui Fausto
4PYCheM, Coimbra, 29/4-1/5 (2014)

205 - Spectroscopy of a muonium atom formed inside a semiconductor
H.V. Alberto, J.M. Gil, R.C. Vilão, J.P. Leitão, C. Baines, T. Prokscha

206 - High field study of muonium in high-K oxides at TRIUMF
R. B. L. Vieira, R. C. Vilão, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, R. L. Lichti, P. W. Mengyan, and B. B. Baker

207 - Shallow-muonium state interaction with native donors in CdS
.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, R.C. Vilão, J.Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, and SFJ Cox

208 - Chiral and deconfinement phase transitions under an external magnetic field within (E)PNJL models
Márcio Ferreira, Pedro Costa, and Constança Providência
"International workshop on nonperturbative phenomena in hadron and particle physics" May 5 to 10, 2014, Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil (2014)

209 - Inverse Magnetic Catalysis within (P)NJL models
M. Ferreira, P. Costa, C. Providência, O. Lourenço, and T. Frederico
Helmholtz International Summer School "Lattice QCD, Hadron Structure and Hadronic Matter", August 25 to September 6, 2014, JINR, Dubna, Russia (2014)

210 - Collective modes of Fermi gases in realistic 3D and 2D traps
S. Chiacchiera, D. Davesne, T. Enss, P.-A. Pantel, M. Urban
Presented at the "Workshop on Probing and Understanding Exotic Superconductors and Superfluids", October 27-31, 2014, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. (2014)

211 - Synthesis structural modelization and luminescent properties of a novel erbium(III) complex with 2,4-nonanedione and 2,2-bipyridine ligands
Pablo Martin-Ramos, Pedro Chamorro-Posada, Manuela Ramos Silva, Pedro S. Pereira da Silva, Víctor Lavin, Inocencia R. Martin, Fernando Lahoz, Jesus Martín-Gil
5th International Workshop on Photoluminescence in Rare Earths PRE´14, San Sebastian, Espanha, 13-16 de Maio (2014)

212 - Single-ion magnetism in luminescent Er3+ β-diketonate complexes
J. T. Coutinho, L. C. J. Pereira, P. Martín-Ramos, M. Ramos Silva, P. Chamorro-Posada, and J. Martín-Gil
European f-Element Chemistry, EUFEN 3, Nürnberg, Alemanha, Abril de 2014. (2014)

213 - O Sol é mesmo para Todos
T. Esperança, J. Fernandes
Trabalho apresentado em Física 2014 - 19ª Conferência Nacional de física e 24º Encontro Ibérico para o ensino da física. (2014)

214 - Som no 8º ano - perspetiva inquiry e reflexão em ação
T. Esperança, M. J. B. M Almeida, P. M. Gordo
Trabalho apresentado em Física 2014 - 19ª Conferência Nacional de física e 24º Encontro Ibérico para o ensino da física. (2014)

215 - Mechanical Forces in Vascular Sprouting
Rui DM Travasso, António Correia, Patrícia Oliveira
5th International Meeting in Angiogenesis, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 12th-14th Mar (2014)

216 - Modeling angiogenesis – a theoretical and experimental study
Rui DM Travasso, Tiago Rodrigues, Teresa Rodrigues, Carlos Peris Torres, Paulo Matafome, Raquel Seiça, Henrique Girão
IV Meeting of IBILI, Coimbra, Portugal, 11th-12th Dec (2014)

217 - Validity of the contact order – rate correlation in the folding of small single domain proteins – A Monte Carlo simulation
Rui DM Travasso, Heinrich Krobath, Patrícia Faísca
CCP2014, Boston, USA, 11th-14th Aug (2014)

218 - Regulation of Blood Vessel Growth
Patrícia Oliveira, Rui DM Travasso, João Carvalho, Orlando Oliveira
Presentation of Projects in Biomedical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 12th-14th Feb (2014)


219 - Aplicações de Métodos Perturbativos de TQC em Modelos de Baixa Dimensionalidade e Matéria Condensada
Gustavo Gazzola de Lima
Tese de doutoramento da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, co-orientadora Brigitte Hiller (2014)

220 - Chiral dynamics with explicit symmetry breaking interactions
Jorge Miguel Rodrigues Morais
Tese de Mestrado (2014)

221 - Development of a solar cell characterisation system and low-power applications
David de Sousa Nunes Teixeira

222 - A policromia dos túmulos de D. Isabel, infanta de Portugal, e de D. Isabel de Aragão e Urgel, 1ª duquesa de Coimbra: um estudo experimental
João Abílio Aranda Marta Almeida
DFUC, Coimbra (2014)

223 - Relatório do Mestrado em Ensino da Fisica e de Quimica no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Paulo Jorge de Oliveira Carvalho
Relatório de mestrado do MEF&Q (2014)

224 - Regulação do Crescimento de Vasos Sanguíneos
Patricia dos Santos Oliveira
Tese de mestrado MIEBM, orientador João Carvalho, Orlando Oliveira e Rui Travasso (2014)

225 - Energias de ionização atómicas com funcionais híbridos
Pedro Miguel Castro Borlido
University of Coimbra (2014)

226 - Regulation of Blood Vessel Growth
Patrícia Santos Oliveira
Universidade de Coimbra (2014)

227 - “Development of a biodegradable nanoprobe”
Nuno André da Silva Gaspar
Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (2014)

228 - Túmulo em Pedra da Rainha Santa Isabel: estudo por difracção de raios X e fluorescência de raios X
João Abílio Aranda Marta Almeida


229 - “Novel high Curie ferroelectric crystals”
Jingzhong Xiao, Lan Xu
Patent No. 20141000097400 Portugal (2014)

230 -
Martins, Décio R.
24º Encontro Ibérico para o Ensino da Física (2014)