Running projects

"Game of Things"
"Mocho" (“Owl”)
Accessing the low energy quark-gluon interaction through lattice QCD simulations
Cost Action CA-22153: European Curvature and Biology Network (EuroCurvoBioNet)
Dark complexity: exploring dark matter scenarios with multiple components
Doctoral Programme in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Dynamical lattice QCD simulations at finite temperature II
Exploring confinement, deconfinement and other QCD features using lattice simulations
High statistical lattice computation of propagators and vertices in Landau gauge
Lattice QCD, the strong coupling constant and heavy quark potentials
Many particle correlations in low energy hadron physics and relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Matter in vacuum and under extreme conditions
Modelização dinâmica da variação secular observada
N4 networking, QCD-net:Hadron Physics with light and heavy quarks, under the FP7 "Structuring the European Research Area" programme: HadronPhysics2
On the mass estimation for FGK stars
Portuguese Lattice QCD Collaboration - Confinement Scenarios, Exotic Potentials, Algorithms for Dynamical Fermions, Effective Theories
Stochastic Analysis and Numerical Approximations in Mathematical Finance
Topological defects as a probe of new physics: from CMB birefringenceto gravitational waves
Towards High statistical lattice computation of QCD Green functions in Landau gauge
Understanding QCD phase diagram and phase transitions from the interplay between lattice techniques and low-energy effective models
Virtual Water, a Virtual Environment for Learning Physics and Chemistry

Submitted projects

Dictionary of History of Sciences in Portugal 1772-1911

Previous projects

"Theoretical studies of scalar mesons and tau-lepton physics"
A equação de estado de NJL em estrelas de neutrões e supernovas (The NJL equation of state in neutron stars and supernovas)
Ab-initio search for practical superconducting materials
Accessing the low energy quark-gluon interaction through lattice QCD simulations (benchmarks)
Acesso benchmarking
Acesso à fase de pré-produção - Projeto POR010PRE
An imprint of dark matter on neutron stars and their mergers
Angiogenesis in diabetic retinopathy – Integrating experiments and modeling
Aspects of matter: from thestructure of the vacuum and chiral dynamics to the production of resonances in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Aspects of matter: from thestructure of the vacuum and chiral dynamics to the production of resonances in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Assessing non-unicity in geomagnetic problems using stochastic methods
Baryons and chiral symmetry
Biblioteca Rómulo de Carvalho
C2007-FCTUC CFTUC v09 of FCT, program “Contratação de doutorados para o sistema científico e tecnológico nacional”
CERN/FP/109316/2009 - Asymmetric nuclear matter: from the lab to neutron stars
CERN/FP/83505/2008 - Asymmetric nuclear matter: from the lab to neutron stars
COST Action MP1304 - Exploring fundamental physics with compact stars ( NewCompStar)
COST Action: CA15214 - An integrative action for multidisciplinary studies on cellular structural networks
Chiral Fermion Systems
Chiral dynamics in hadron models I
Chiral dynamics in hadron physics II
Chiral dynamics in hadron physics III
Coimbra Solar Information System (COSIS)
Compact Stars: Laboratories for nuclear and particle physics
Computational Nanophysics
Computational Nanophysics: nano-scale modelling of metals, semiconductors, and organic materials
Core-flow modelling using stochastic and evolutionary methods
Cost Action: CA17139 - European Topology Interdisciplinary Action
Cálculo do factor de forma e decaimento do mesão pseudovectorial A1 em três piões, com dois piões na onda s (Calculation of the form factor and the decay of the pseudovector meson A1 into three pions, with two pions in the s-wave state)
Cálculo do factor de forma e decaimento do mesão pseudovectorial A1 em três piões, com dois piões na onda s.
Description of the Physical Properties of Metals and Alloys (in Bulk and Surfaces) using Pseudopotentials
Difusão mesão-mesão e espalhamento de mesões no quadro do modelo de Nambu-Jona-Lasinio
Difusão mesão-mesão e estudo da influência de temperatura em transições de fase quirais no modelo de NJL
Dinâmica quiral na física dos hadrões
Dinâmica quiral na física dos hadrões
Dinâmica quiral na física dos hadrões
EU Research Infrastructure Integrating Activity Study of Strongly Interacting Matter (HadronPhysics 3)
Effective field theories for low energy QCD
Electroweak interactions and meson spectroscopy in the standard model
Electroweak interactions and meson spectroscopy in the standard model
Estudo da simetria de pseudospin usando modelos quânticos relativistas
Estudo das Propriedades Nucleares e Hadrónicas com Modelos Relativistas
Estudo de novos materiais e processos tecnológicos por difracção de raios X
Estudo de observáveis relevantes para o diagrama de fases da QCD e colisões de iões pesados
Estudo de um lagrangiano efectivo para campos de Yang-Mills (Study of an effective lagrangian for Yang-Mills fields)
Estudo dos efeitos da simetria quiral em reaces envolvendo hadres e fotes (Study of the effects of chiral symmetry in reactions involving hadrons and photons)
Estudo dos efeitos da simetria quiral em reacções envolvendo hadrõs e fotões (Study of the effects of chiral symmetry in reactions involving hadrons and photons)
Estudos dos efeitos da simetria quiral em reacções envolvendo hadrões e fotões
Estudos teoreticos de propriedades de mesões no meio nuclear (Theoretical studies of meson properties in nuclear medium)
Evaluation of Residual Stresses in Surface Layers and Thin Films by Grazing-Incidence X Ray Diffraction
Finite temperature effets within a QCD inspired model and lattice calculations
Formação de gotas em matéria nuclear quente e assimétrica numa abordagem relativista
Framework VI, EU integrated infrastructure initiative Hadron Physics project, contract RII3-CT-2004-506078
From particles to compact stars
Física nuclear relativista: equação de estado e transições de fase
Giant resonances in finite Fermi systems
High Energies Theoretical Physics and its Interfaces with Cosmology and Nuclear Physics
High Energies Theoretical Physics and its Interfaces with Cosmology and Nuclear Physics
High Energies Theoretical Physics and its Interfaces with Cosmology and Nuclear Physics
History of Science at the University of Coimbra
I. Vidaña
Low-energy effective models and lattice QCD approaches to the investigation of chiral phase transitions and hadronic properties at finite temperature and density
MAMTool - Machinability of Additive Manufactured Parts for Tooling Industry
Many particle correlations in low energy hadron physics and relativistic heavy-ion collision
Matter in vacuum and under extreme conditions
Mediatization of the Physics Museum of the University of Coimbra
Meson scattering and the role of temperature in chiral phase transitions
Meson scattering and the role of temperature in chiral phase transitions
Meson-meson scattering and decay in the Nambu Jona-Lasinio model
Microestruturas e mecânica de revestimentos
Modeling Angiogenesis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - integrating experimental and theoretical approaches
Multiferroic materials: fundamental and practical aspects
NA7-Hf-QGP: Quark-Gluon Plasma characterisation with heavy flavour probes
Need4Speed - Um espectrómetro de amostragem esparsa para diagnóstico de melanoma
Neutron Stars: matter under extreme conditions
Novel topological insulator and superconducting materials
O problema de muitos corpos: desde modelos de hadres a estrelas de neutres (The many body problem: from hadronic models to neutron stars)
O problema de muitos corpos: desde modelos de hadrões a estrelas de neutrões (The many-body problem: from hadronic models to neutron stars)
Optimization in Physics
PHOBOS - Origin, composition, evolution and exploration of Phobos
POCI/FP/63419/2005 - Relativistic hadronic matter: EOS and collective modes
POCI/FP/63918/2005 Phase transitions in hadronic matter with applications to astrophysics
POCI/FP/81923/2007 - Asymmetric nuclear matter: from the lab to neutron stars
Para um melhor papel dos Museus de Ciência na compreensão pública da Ciência
Parquantum - Development of Libraries for Supportingh Paralel, Fault Tolerant Programming, with Applications in Quantum Physics
Physical Modelling of Tumours - Understanding the metastasis mechanism
Physical Properties of Atomic Clusters
Physical properties of atomic clusters
Physics and Chemistry of Nano-Structures
Playing Science
Precision Instruments and the Development of Experimental Physics Teaching in 19th Century Portugal
Probing structural dynamics of artificial molecular machinery using microwave spectroscopy
Projecto Bilateral - Polymorphism - From molecular crystals to mesomorphic phases
Properties of Solids and Surfaces using Density Functional Methods
Properties of light baryons in effective chiral models
Properties of solids and surfaces using density functional methods
Propriedades estáticas e dinâmicas de hadrões em modelos quirais
Propriedades hadrónicas de estrelas de neutrões (Hadronic properties of neutron stars)
Propriedades hadrónicas no vácuo e a densidades e temperaturas finitas
Relativistic description of heavy ion collisions with light cone coordinates
Relativistic heavy-ion collisions and meson properties
Relativistic heavy-ion collisions and meson properties.
Responsible Scientist of: Um projecto piloto inovador em Astronomia e SETI numa escola secundária (An innovative pilot project on Astronomy and SETI at a high school)
Rotational dynamics of close-in bodies under tidal evolution
SCADRON70 - Workshop on Scalar Mesons and Related Topics
Simulação e optimização de sistemas complexos - Computação avançada em investigação fundamental e aplicada (Simulation and optimization of complex systems – advanced computing in fundamental and applied research)
Sistemas de fermiões quirais (Chiral fermion systems)
Softsciences – Competence Centre
Static and dynamic properties of nuclei in chiral models
Stellar matter at subsaturation densities: neutron star crust and supernova
Structuring the European Research Area
Study of Strongly Interacting Matter (HadronPhysics 3), 7th Framework Program
Study of an effective lagrangian for Yang-Mills fields
Study of an effective lagrangian for Yang-Mills fields
Study of pion-meson scattering and of the decay eta -> 3 pi and eta -> 2 gamma in the Nambu Jona-Lasinio model
Study of pion-meson scattering and of the decays  ! 3 and  ! 2 in the Nambu JonaLasinio model
Study of pion-nucleon scattering and of the polarizability of mesons in the Nambu Jona-Lasinio model
Teoria efectiva de campos com interacções multi-quark (Effective field theory with multi-quark interactions)
Teorias de Campos efectivas para QCD a baixas energias
The NJL equation of state in neutron stars and supernovas
The New Physics of Compact Stars (CompStar)
The nature of the protein folding process
The quantum chromodynamics phase diagram and mesonic behavior in the context of effective models and lattice QCD
The structure of multiquarks
Theoretical physics: from elementary particles to the universe
Theoretical studies of meson properties in nuclear medium”
Theoretical studies of scalar mesons and tau-lepton physics
Try it! - Laboratory of sciences
Wwwqui, Wwwfi and Astrosoft
À Descoberta do Património
”Effective Field Theory with Multi-Quark Interactions”
”Propriedades hadrnicas de estrelas de neutr˜oes (Hadronic properties of neutron stars)”
 Projecto de Mediatização do Museu de Física da University de Coimbra
 The many-body problem: from hadronic models to neutron stars