Publications [LaTeX]
International Journals
1 - Adhesion modulates cell morphology and migration within dense fibrous networks
Mauricio Moreira-Soares, Susana P. Cunha, José R. Bordin, Rui D. M. Travasso
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 314001 (2020)
2 - Angiogenic Factors produced by Hypoxic Cells are a leading driver of Anastomoses in Sprouting Angiogenesis – a computational study
Maurício Moreira-Soares, Rita Coimbra, Luís Rebelo, João Carvalho, Rui D. M. Travasso,
Scientific Reports 8, 8726 (2018)
3 - Computational insights into the regulatory role of adhesion in metastatic invasion
Maurício Moreira-Soares, José Rafael Bordin, Susana P Cunha, Rui DM Travasso
55th Annual Scientific Meeting of ESCI, 9th - 11th Jun (2021)
4 - Adhesion modulates cell morphology and migration within dense fibrous networks
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, José Rafael Bordin, Susana P Cunha
16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 25th - 29th July (2021)
5 - Mechanics and Anastomoses in Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, Marcos Gouveia
New Trends in Mathematical Biology, Bellaterra, Spain, 4th – 8th June (2018)
6 - Mathematical Modeling of Cell Movement and Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, Marcos Gouveia
Mechanobiology of cells in tissues in health and disease conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 8th – 9th Nov (2018)
7 - Mechanics and Anastomoses in Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, Marcos Gouveia
Minisymposium in Multiscale in-silico modelling of cancer biophysics and therapy, 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), Glasgow, UK, 11th – 15th June (2018)
8 - Mathematical Modeling of Cell Movement and Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, Marcos Gouveia
University of Dundee, Dundee, UK, 22nd Nov (2018)
9 - Mathematical Modeling of Cell Movement and Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, Marcos Gouveia
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 14th Nov (2018)
10 - Angiogenic factors produced by hypoxic cells drive anastomosis in sprouting angiogenesis
M. M. Soares, L. Rebelo, R. Coimbra, J. Carvalho, R. D. M. Travasso,
mini-symposium Angiogenesis and cell motility, in Mathematics of Complex Systems: from precision medicine to smart cities, Coimbra, Portugal, 5th-6th Dec (2016)
11 - Adhesion modulates cell morphology and migration within dense fibrous networks
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, José Rafael Bordin, Susana P Cunha
Virtual SMB 2021 Annual Meeting, 13th - 17th June (2021)
12 - Mathematical Modeling of Cell Movement and Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, Marcos Gouveia
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. 28 February 2020 (2020)
13 - Modelling cell shape and migration: a phase-field approach
Mauricio Moreira-Soares, José Rafael Bordin, Abdul I. Barakat, Rui D. M. Travasso,
11th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB 2018) (2018)
14 - Understanding cell shape and migration – a computational study
Maurício Moreira Soares, José R. Bordin, Abdul Barakat, Rui DM Travasso
Física 2018, Covilhã, Portugal, 30th Aug - 1st Sep (2018)
15 - Tumor angiogenesis: a mathematical model in three dimensions
M. M. Soares, L. Rebelo, R. A. Coimbra, J. Carvalho, R. D. M. Travasso,
Physical Biology of Tissue Morphogenesis - Mechanics, Metabolism and Signaling, Dresden, Germany, 17th-21st Oct (2016)
16 - Vascular Growth in Tumor Angiogenesis: a Mathematical Model in Three Dimensions
Rita Coimbra, Maurício Moreira-Soares , João Carvalho, Rui DM Travasso
Física 2016, Braga, Portugal, 8th-10th Sep (2016)
17 - Tumour angiogenesis and vascular patterning: a mathematical model
M. M. Soares, R. D. M. Travasso, A. Diehl
XVI UFPel Meeting of Postgraduate, Pelotas, Brasil. (2014)
18 - Modelling cell shape and migration with a phase-field model
Mauricio Moreira-Soares, José Rafael Bordin, Abdul I. Barakat, Rui D. M. Travasso,
Measuring and modelling cell migration, Wien, Österreich (2018)
19 - Modeling cell shape and migration with a phase-field model
Maurício Moreira Soares, José R. Bordin, Abdul Barakat, Rui DM Travasso
Física 2018, Covilhã, Portugal, 30th Aug - 1st Sep (2018)
20 - Tumor Angiogenesis: a Mathematical Model in Three Dimensions
Maurício Moreira-Soares , Rita Coimbra, João Carvalho, Rui DM Travasso
Ciência 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, 4th-6th Jul (2016)
21 - Vascular Growth in Tumor Angiogenesis: a Mathematical Model in Three Dimensions
Rita Coimbra, Maurício Moreira-Soares, João Carvalho, Rui DM Travasso
Porto Meetings in Mathematics and Biology, Porto, Portugal, 15th-17th Jun (2016)
22 - Physical approach for vascular endothelial growth modelling
M. M. Soares, R. D. M. Travasso, A. Diehl
I South Meeting of Physics, Curitiba, Brasil. (2013)
23 - A mathematical model for pathological angiogenesis
M. M. Soares, R. D. M. Travasso, A. Diehl
XXXVI National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics, São Paulo, Brasil. (2013)
24 - Multi-Phase-Field Models for Biological Systems: From cells to vessels
Maurício Moreira-Soares
Universidade de Coimbra (2020)
25 - Coupling Blood Flow and Vascular Growth in Three Dimensions
Maurício Moreira Soares
Universidade Federal de Pelotas (2015)
- Angiogenesis in diabetic retinopathy – Integrating experiments and modeling
- COST Action: CA15214 - An integrative action for multidisciplinary studies on cellular structural networks
- Modeling Angiogenesis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - integrating experimental and theoretical approaches
- Physical Modelling of Tumours - Understanding the metastasis mechanism