Publications [LaTeX]
1 - Física e Química A 10.º e 11.º Anos - Exames Nacionais 2017-2020 ( Fases, Fases e Épocas Especiais)
Carlos Portela, Helena Alberto, Lucília Brito, Joaquim Morgado, Rogério Nogueira, Rui Travasso
Editorial do Ministério da Educação (2021)
2 - Física e Química A 10.º e 11.º Anos - Exames Nacionais 2012-2017 ( Fases, Fases e Épocas Especiais)
Carlos Portela, Helena Alberto, Lucília Brito, Joaquim Morgado, Rogério Nogueira, Rui Travasso
Editorial do Ministério da Educação (2018)
3 - Física e Química A 10.º e 11.º Anos - Exames Nacionais 2013-2018 ( Fases, Fases e Épocas Especiais)
Carlos Portela, Helena Alberto, Lucília Brito, Joaquim Morgado, Rogério Nogueira, Rui Travasso
Editorial do Ministério da Educação (2018)
4 - Física e Química A 10.º e 11.º Anos - Exames Nacionais 2010-2015 ( Fases, Fases e Épocas Especiais)
Carlos Portela, Helena Alberto, Lucília Brito, Joaquim Morgado, Rogério Nogueira, Rui Travasso
Editorial do Ministério da Educação (2016)
Chapters of Books
5 - Reducing Computation Time by Monte Carlo Method: An Application in Determining Axonal Orientation Distribution Function
Nicolás F Lori, Rui Lavrador, Lucia Fonseca, Carlos Santos, Rui Travasso, Artur Pereira, Rosaldo Rossetti, Nuno Sousa, Victor Alves
New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, Springer International Publishing, 95-105 (2016)
6 - Understanding the Dynamics of Tumor Angiogenesis: A Systems Biology Approach
MM Quinas-Guerra, TM Ribeiro-Rodrigues, JC Rodríguez-Manzaneque, RDM Travasso
Systems Biology in Cancer Research and Drug Discovery, Ed. A Azmi, Springer Netherlands, 197-227 (2012)
7 - The Mechanics of Blood Vessel Growth
Rui D. M. Travasso
Vasculogenesis and Angiogenesis from Embrionic Development to Regenerative Medicine, eds. Dan T. Simionescu and Agneta Simionescu, InTech, 187-204 (2011)
8 - Modeling the Self-Assembly of Ternary Blends that Encompass Photosensitive Chemical Reactions: Creating Defect-free, Hierarchically Ordered Materials
Olga Kuksenok, Rui DM Travasso, Pratyush Dayal, Anna C. Balazs
Encyclopedia of Polymer Blends, Vol. 1, Ed. A. Isayev, Wiley-VCH Publishers, 269-307 (2010)
9 - Modeling the Self-Assembly of Ternary Blends that Encompass Photosensitive Chemical Reactions: Creating Defect-free, Hierarchically Ordered Materials
Olga Kuksenok, Rui D.M. Travasso, Pratyush Dayal and Anna C. Balazs
Encyclopedia of Polymer Blends, 1, Ed. A. Isayev, Wiley-VCH Publishers (2009)
International Journals
10 - A 3D Computational Study on the Formation and Progression of Tumor Cells in Diffuse Gastric Cancer
V. Lopes, J. Figueiredo, P. Carneiro, M. Gouveia, RDM Travasso, J. Carvalho
Bull. Math. Biol. 87(2), 28 (2025)
11 - TrajPy: empowering feature engineering for trajectory analysis across domains
M Moreira-Soares, E Mossmann, RDM Travasso, JR Bordin
Bioinform. Adv. 4(1), vbae026 (2024)
12 - Topology in soft and biological matter
L Tubina, R. Travasso et al.
Phys. Rep. 1075, 1-137 (2024)
13 - The architecture of redox microdomains: Cascading gradients and peroxiredoxins´ redox-oligomeric coupling integrate redox signaling and antioxidant protection
M Griffith, A Araûjo, R Travasso, A Salvador
Redox Biol. 69, 103000 (2023)
14 - A mathematical model of fibrinogen-mediated erythrocyte-erythrocyte adhesion
CS Lopes, J Curty, FA Carvalho, A Hernandez-Machado, K Kinoshita, NC Santos, RDM Travasso
Commun. Biol. 6(1), 192 (2023)
15 - The ECM and tissue architecture are major determinants of early invasion mediated by E-cadherin dysfunction
S Melo, P Guerrero, MM Soares, JR Bordin, F Carneiro, P Carneiro, MB Dias, J Carvalho, J Figueiredo, R Seruca, RDM Travasso
Commun. Biol. 6 (1), 1132 (2023)
16 - A coupled logistic map lattice model for two competing species
J. Sales, R. Travasso, M. Buckeridge, S. A. Carvalho
Eur. Phys. J. Plus 138, 1020 (2023)
17 - Image-based angio-adaptation modelling: a playground to study cerebrovascular development
RDM Travasso, V Coelho-Santos
Front. Psychol. 14, 1223308 (2023)
18 - Mice with Type 2 Diabetes Present Significant Alterations in Their Tissue Biomechanical Properties and Histological Features
TB Cruz, FA Carvalho, PN Matafome, RA Soares, NC Santos, RD Travasso, MJ Oliveira
Biomedicines 10(1), 57 (2022)
19 - A multiscale cell-based model of tumor growth for chemotherapy assessment and tumor-targeted therapy through a 3D computational approach
SJ Nivlouei, M Soltani, E Shirani, MR Salimpour, R Travasso, J Carvalho
Cell Prolif. 55(3), e13187 (2022)
20 - How abundant are superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in the vasculature lumen, how far can they reach?
T. Sousa, M. Gouveia, RDM Travasso, A. Salvador
Redox Biol. 58, 102527 (2022)
21 - How far does hydrogen peroxide travel in the microcirculation and in tissues?
T Sousa, E Fernandes, M Gouveia, J Laranjinha, R Barbosa, A Ledo, R Travasso, A Salvador
FEBS Open Bio 12(1), 51-52 (2022)
22 - Tumor cell invasiveness in the initial stages of bladder cancer development - A computational study
J. Carvalho, V. Lopes, R. Travasso
Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng. 37(1), e3417 (2021)
23 - A three dimensional computer model of urothelium and bladder cancer initiation, progress and collective invasion
J. Carvalho, V. Lopes, R. Travasso
Inform. Med. Unlocked 26, 100750 (2021)
24 - A mathematical model for the dependence of keratin aggregate formation on the quantity of mutant keratin expressed in EGFP-K14 R125P keratinocytes
Marcos Gouveia, Tjaša Sorčan, Špela Zemljič-Jokhadar, Rui D.M. Travasso, Mirjana Liović
PLoS One 16(12) (2021)
25 - Quantitative analysis of neuronal mitochondrial movement reveals patterns resulting from neurotoxicity of rotenone and 6-hydroxydopamine
RF Simoes, R Pino, M Moreira-Soares, J ( Kovarova, J Neuzil, R Travasso, PJ Oliveira, T Cunha-Oliveira, FB Pereira
FASEB J. 35(12), e22024 (2021)
26 - Intratumoral VEGF nanotrapper reduces gliobastoma vascularization and tumor cell mass
F Sousa, AI Costa-Pereira, A Cruz, FJ Ferreira, M Gouveia, B Sarmento, RDM Travasso, IM Pinto
J. Control. Release 339, 381-390 (2021)
27 - Tumor cell invasiveness in the initial stages of bladder cancer development - A computational study
J Carvalho, V Lopes, R Travasso
Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng, e3417 (2020)
28 - Keratin Dynamics and Spatial Distribution in Wild-Type and K14 R125P Mutant Cells-A Computational Model
M Gouveia, S Zemljic-Jokhadar, M Vidak, B Stojkovic, J Derganc, R Travasso, M Liovic
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(7), 2596 (2020)
29 - Adhesion modulates cell morphology and migration within dense fibrous networks
Mauricio Moreira-Soares, Susana P. Cunha, José R. Bordin, Rui D. M. Travasso
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 314001 (2020)
30 - Data Extraction from Mitochondrial Motility Tracking using Computational Algorithms
R Pino, R Simoes, M Moreira-Soares, T Cunha-Oliveira, J Kovarova, J Neuzil, R Travasso, PJ Oliveira, F Pereira
Eur. J. Clin. Investig. 50(1), 79-80 (2020)
31 - Notch signaling and taxis mechanims regulate early stage angiogenesis: A mathematical and computational model
R Vega, M Carretero, RDM Travasso, LL Bonilla
PLOS Comput. Biol. 16(1), e1006919 (2020)
32 - Cortical stiffness of keratinocytes measured by lateral indentation with optical tweezers
Špela Zemljič Jokhadar, Biljana Stojković, Marko Vidak, Tjaša Sorčan, Mirjana Liovic, Marcos Gouveia, Rui DM Travasso, Jure Derganc
PLoS One 15, e0231606 (2020)
33 - Soft culture substrates favor stem-like cellular phenotype and facilitate reprogramming of human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (hMSCs) through mechanotransduction
H Gerardo, A Lima, J Carvalho, JRD Ramos, S Couceiro, RDM Travasso, RP das Neves, M Graos
Sci. Rep. 9, 9086 (2019)
34 - Resonances in the response of fluidic networks inherent to the cooperation between elasticity and bifurcations
D Yanez, RDM Travasso, EC Poire
Royal Soc. Open Sci. 6(9), 190661 (2019)
35 - Capillary network formation from dispersed endothelial cells: Influence of cell traction, cell adhesion, and extracellular matrix rigidity
João R. D. Ramos, Rui Travasso, João Carvalho,
Phys. Rev. E 97, 012408 (2018)
36 - Angiogenic Factors produced by Hypoxic Cells are a leading driver of Anastomoses in Sprouting Angiogenesis – a computational study
Maurício Moreira-Soares, Rita Coimbra, Luís Rebelo, João Carvalho, Rui D. M. Travasso,
Scientific Reports 8, 8726 (2018)
37 - When do redundant fluidic networks outperform non-redundant ones?
Aimée M Torres Rojas, Rui D.M. Travasso, Ignacio Pagonabarraga, Eugenia Corvera Poiré
Europhysics Letters 117, 64002 (2017)
38 - Localized redox relays as a privileged mode of cytoplasmic hydrogen peroxide signaling
Rui D. M. Travasso, F. Sampaio dos Aidos, A. Bayani, P. Abranches, A. Salvador,
Redox Biology 12, 233-245 (2017)
39 - Processing Time Reduction: an Application in Living Human High-Resolution Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
NF Lori, A Ibanez, R Lavrador, L Fonseca, C Santos, RDM Travasso, A Pereira, R Rossetti, N Sousa, V Alves
J. Med. Syst. 40(11), 243 (2016)
40 - Obstructions in Vascular Networks: Relation Between Network Morphology and Blood Supply
AM Torres Rojas, A Meza Romero, I Pagonabarraga, RDM Travasso, E Corvera Poiré
PLoS ONE 10(6), e0128111 (2015)
41 - The Force at the Tip - Modelling Tension and Proliferation in Sprouting Angiogenesis
P Santos-Oliveira, A Correia, T Rodrigues, TM Ribeiro-Rodrigues, P Matafome, JC Rodríguez-Manzaneque, R Seiça, H Girão, RDM Travasso
PLoS Comput Biol 11 (8), e1004436 (2015)
42 - Hypoxia in Vascular Networks: A Complex System Approach to Unravel the Diabetic Paradox
Y. Gandica, T. Schwarz, O. Oliveira, Rui D. M. Travasso
PLoS ONE 9(11), e113165 (2014)
43 - Flow and anastomosis in vascular networks
Joaquín Flores, Alejandro Meza Romero, Rui DM Travasso, Eugenia Corvera Poiré
Journal of Theoretical Biology 317, 257-270 (2013)
44 - Why do protein folding rates correlate with metrics of native topology?
Patrícia FN Faísca, Rui DM Travasso, Andrea Parisi, Antonio Rey
PLoS ONE 7, e35599 (2012)
45 - Tumor Angiogenesis and Vascular Patterning: A Mathematical Model
Rui D. M. Travasso, Eugenia Corvera Poiré, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Manzaneque, A. Hernández-Machado
PLoS ONE 6, e19989 (2011)
46 - The phase-field model in tumor growth
Rui D. M. Travasso, Mario Castro, and Joana C. R. E. Oliveira
Philosophical Magazine 91, 183-206 (2011)
47 - The folding of knotted proteins: insights from lattice simulations
Patrícia F N Faísca, Rui D M Travasso, Tiago Charters, Ana Nunes and Marek Cieplak
Physical Biology 7, 016009 (2010)
48 - Non-native interactions play an effective role in protein folding dynamics
Patrícia F. N. Faísca, Ana Nunes, Rui D.M. Travasso, and Eugene I. Shakhnovich
Protein Science 19, 2196-2209 (2010)
49 - The protein folding transition state: Insights from kinetics and thermodynamics
Rui D. M. Travasso, Patrícia F. N. Faísca, Antonio Rey
J. Chem. Phys. 133, 125102 (2010)
50 - Simulation of the spinodal phase separation dynamics of the Bi-Zn system
Joana C.R.E. Oliveira, Maria H. Braga, Rui D. M. Travasso
J. of Non-Crystalline Solids 354, 5340 (2008)
51 - Identifying critical residues in protein folding: Insights from -value and Pfold analysis
Patricia F.N. Faisca, Rui D.M. Travasso, Robin C. Ball, and Eugene I. Shakhnovich
J. Chem Phys 129, 095108 (2008)
52 - Pathways to folding, nucleation events and native geometry
Rui D. M. Travasso, Margarida M. Telo da Gama, and Patricia Faisca
J Chem Phys 127, 145106 (2007)
53 - Nucleation phenomena in protein folding: the modulating role of protein sequence
Rui D. M. Travasso, Patricia Faisca, and Margarida M Telo da Gama
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 285212 (2007)
54 - Dynamics of ternary mixtures with photosensitive chemical reactions: creating three dimensionally ordered ternary blends
Olga Kuksenok, Rui D. M. Travasso and Anna C. Balazs
Phys. Rev. E 74, 011502 (2006)
55 - Exploiting photo-induced reactions in polymer blends to create hierarchically ordered defect-free materials
Rui D. M. Travasso, Olga Kuksenok and Anna C. Balazs
Langmuir 22, 2620 (2006)
56 - Modeling the morphology and mechanical properties of sheared ternary mixtures
Rui D. M. Travasso, Gavin A. Buxton, Olga Kuksenok, Kevin Good and Anna C. Balazs
J Chem Phys 122, 194906 (2005)
57 - Harnessing light to create defect-free, hierarchically structured polymeric materials
Rui D. M. Travasso, Olga Kuksenok and Anna C. Balazs
Langmuir 21, 10912 (2005)
58 - Interface fluctuations, Burgers equations and coarsening under shear
Alan J. Bray, Andrea Cavagna and Rui D. M. Travasso
Phys Rev E 65, 016104 (2002)
59 - Interface fluctuations under shear
Alan J. Bray, Andrea Cavagna and Rui D. M. Travasso
Phys Rev E 64, 012102 (2001)
60 - Dynamics and delocalization transition for an interface driven by a uniform shear flow
Rui D. M. Travasso, Alan J. Bray and Andrea Cavagna
J Phys A 34, L195 (2001)
61 - Ohta-Jasnow-Kawasaki approximation for nonconserved coarsening under shear
Andrea Cavagna, Alan J. Bray and Rui D. M. Travasso
Phys Rev E 62, 4702 (2000)
62 - Glassy behavior in a ferromagnetic p-spin model
Michael R. Swift, Hemant Bokil, Rui D. M. Travasso and Alan J. Bray
Phys Rev B 62, 11494 (2000)
Portuguese Journals
63 - Dinamica do crescimento tumoral: um olhar fisico
Rui D. M. Travasso
Gazeta de Fisica 33, 3/4, 18 (2011)
International Conferences
64 - Spatially localized redox relays allow sensitive site-specific hydrogen peroxide signaling
M Griffith, A Araújo, R Travasso, A Salvador
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 208 (1), S29-S-30 (2023)
65 - How sensitive and site-specific hydrogen peroxide signaling can be achieved in human cells: spatially localized redox relays
A Salvador, M Griffith, A Araujo, R Travasso
Eur. Biophys. J. 52(SUPPL 1), 749 (2023)
66 - Generating Vascular Networks: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
J. Simoes, R Travasso, E Costa, T Baptista
8th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Data science (LOD) 13811, 139-153 (2023)
67 - Endothelial cell dynamics in 3D vessel-like structures: a multi-phase field model
M Gouveia, M Palmeira, R Travasso
Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 52(1) (2022)
68 - How far does hydrogen peroxide travel in the microcirculation and in tissues?
T Sousa, E Fernandes, M Gouveia, J Laranjinha, R Barbosa, A Ledo, R Travasso, A Salvador
FEBS Open Bio 12, 51-52 (2022)
69 - Effect of anti-VEGF presentation in controlling vascular development
R Travasso, AI Costa-Pereira, F Sousa, M Gouveia, F Ferreira, J Bessa, B Sarmento, IM Pinto
Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 52(1) (2022)
70 - Three dimensional computer model of urothelium, bladder cancer development and collective tumor invasion
J Carvalho, V Lopes, R Travasso
Eur. J. Clin. Investig. 51, 104-104 (2021)
71 - Fibrinogen-mediated erythrocyte adhesion
J Faria, R Travasso, C Lopes, N Santos, F Carvalho, A Hernandez-Machado
Eur. J. Clin. Investig. 51, 101-101 (2021)
72 - Mathematical Perspective on Keratin Aggregate Formation in Keratinocytes with the Severe K14 R125P Mutation
M Gouveia, T Sorcan, S Zemljic-Jokhadar, RDM Travasso, M Liovic
Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 51, 101-102 (2021)
73 - How Far can Hydrogen Peroxide Travel in Microcirculation?
T. Sousa, R. Travasso, A. Salvador
Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 51, 94-94 (2021)
74 - How far can hydrogen peroxide travel in blood circulation?
T. Sousa, R. Travasso, A. Salvador
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 165(1), NC9 (2021)
75 - Use of a Darwinian perspective of quantum mechanics to an analysis of science’s contemporary description of the transition from pre-life to life
N.F. Lori, R. Travasso, A.H. Blin
International Congress “Darwin’s impact on science, society and culture”, Braga, Portugal 2009 (2009)
Portuguese Conferences
76 - Use of Shannon information to relate function and structure in the brain using diffusion spectrum imaging MRI
C Santos, R Lavrador, G Caetano, N Lori, RDM Travasso
Bioengineering (ENBENG), 2012 IEEE 2nd Portuguese Meeting, 1-4 (2012)
77 - Novel approach to vascular network modeling in 3D
Maria Margarida Dias Soares Quinas Guerra, Rui DM Travasso
Bioengineering (ENBENG), 2012 IEEE 2nd Portuguese Meeting, 1-6 (2012)
78 - The Formation of Loops in Blood Vessel Networks - Resilience, Flow and Therapy
Travasso, RDM et al.
BIRS Workshop, Formation of Looping Networks - from Nature to Models, Banff, Canada, 7th - 12th Jul (2024)
79 - How abundant are superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in the vasculature
lumen, how far can they reach?
T. Sousa, M. Gouveia, RDM Travasso, A. Salvador
EBSA 2023, Stockholm, Sweden, 31st July – 4th Aug (2023)
80 - How abundant are superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in the vasculature
lumen, how far can they reach?
T. Sousa, M. Gouveia, RDM Travasso, A. Salvador
3rd Meeting of Young Biophysicists, Porto, Portugal, 1st – 2nd Jun (2023)
81 - Movimento, Difusão, Tensão e Pressão - A Física na Biologia
Travasso, R.
IX Jornadas de Engenharia Física, Lisboa, Portugal, 22nd - 24th Feb (2023)
82 - Localised H2O2 gradients in the vasculature lumen and in the cellular
R. Travasso, A. Salvador, T. Santos, M. Gouveia, A. Itacarambi, F. Aidos, P. Abranches, A. Bayani
SFRR-E Webinar Series “Emerging leaders in redox biology”, 4th Jul (2023)
83 - Adhesion modulates cell migration, erythrocyte morphology and endothelial cell Dynamics
R. Travasso, et al.
Programa de Verão 2023, Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica,
16th Jan – 17th Feb, Rio de Janeiro (remote talk), Brazil (2023)
84 - Adhesion modulates cell migration, erythrocyte morphology and endothelial cell Dynamics
R. Travasso, et al.
LI Winter Meeting On Statistical Physics, Guanajuato, Mexico, 11th-14th Jan (2023)
85 - Adhesion modulates cell migration, erythrocyte morphology and endothelial cell Dynamics
R. Travasso, et al.
Immuno-engineering workshop, Turku, Finland, 14th-15th Mar (2023)
86 - A Simulação Computacional em Biologia
Travasso, R.
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 30th Aug (2022)
87 - A Simulação Computacional em Biologia
Travasso, R.
meet.Lab Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 22th - 24th April (2022)
88 - Debate – Futuro da Investigação em Matéria Condensada
R. Travasso, M. Telo da Gama, N. Araújo, J. Pires
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 1st Oct (2022)
89 - Adhesion modulates cell migration, erythrocyte morphology and endothelial cell Dynamics
R. Travasso, et al.
Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, 10th Nov (2022)
90 - Computational insights into the regulatory role of adhesion in metastatic invasion
Maurício Moreira-Soares, José Rafael Bordin, Susana P Cunha, Rui DM Travasso
55th Annual Scientific Meeting of ESCI, 9th - 11th Jun (2021)
91 - Adhesion modulates cell morphology and migration within dense fibrous networks
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, José Rafael Bordin, Susana P Cunha
16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 25th - 29th July (2021)
92 - Proliferation and Movement – Modeling Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso
Universidad de Carlos 3, Madrid, Spain, 17th Jan (2018)
93 - Proliferation and Movement – Modeling Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso
Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, 10th Oct (2018)
94 - Mechanics and Anastomoses in Sprouting Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso
Fields Institute Workshop “Modeling biological phenomena from nano to macro scale”, Toronto, Canada, 30th Apr - 4th May (2018)
95 - Proliferation and Movement – Modeling Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso
UC Biotech, Cantanhede, Portugal, 10th Jan (2018)
96 - Mathematical Modeling of Cell Movement and Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, Marcos Gouveia
Mechanobiology of cells in tissues in health and disease conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 8th – 9th Nov (2018)
97 - Mathematical Modeling of Cell Movement and Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, Marcos Gouveia
University of Dundee, Dundee, UK, 22nd Nov (2018)
98 - Mechanics and Anastomoses in Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, Marcos Gouveia
Minisymposium in Multiscale in-silico modelling of cancer biophysics and therapy, 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), Glasgow, UK, 11th – 15th June (2018)
99 - Mathematical Modeling of Cell Movement and Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, Marcos Gouveia
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 14th Nov (2018)
100 - Mechanics and Anastomoses in Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, Marcos Gouveia
New Trends in Mathematical Biology, Bellaterra, Spain, 4th – 8th June (2018)
101 - Mechanics and Anastomoses in Sprouting Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso
Mini-symposium “Modelos Matemáticos Aplicados a la Biología del Cáncer” at CEDYA+CMA, Cartagena, Spain, 26th-30th Jun (2017)
102 - Angiogenic Factors Produced by Hypoxic Cells drive Anastomoses in Sprouting Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Mauricio Soares, Rita Coimbra Luís Rebelo , João Carvalho
University of Castilla la Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain, 29th Jun (2017)
103 - Mechanically-driven pattern formation in cell cultures
João R. D. Ramos, Rui Travasso, João Carvalho
mini-symposium Angiogenesis and cell motility, in Mathematics of Complex Systems: from precision medicine to smart cities, Coimbra, Portugal, 5th-6th Dec (2016)
104 - Angiogenic factors produced by hypoxic cells drive anastomosis in sprouting angiogenesis
M. M. Soares, L. Rebelo, R. Coimbra, J. Carvalho, R. D. M. Travasso,
mini-symposium Angiogenesis and cell motility, in Mathematics of Complex Systems: from precision medicine to smart cities, Coimbra, Portugal, 5th-6th Dec (2016)
105 - Using Mathematics and Physics to Understand Vessel Growth
Rui DM Travasso
Session “Matemática e Ciências da Vida” at Ciência 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, 4th-6th Jul (2016)
106 - Forces and Proliferation in Sprouting Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29st Jan (2016)
107 - Mechanics of Sprouting Angiogenesis in Tumors
Rui DM Travasso
Mini-symposium “Tumor growth modeling and the mechanical aspects of cancer” at the Eccomas Congress 2016, Crete, Greece, 5th-10th Jun (2016)
108 - Examples of Modeling Vessel Growth
Rui DM Travasso
Panel: Fighting Against Cancer: New Emerging Therapies, Bioengineering Week, Lisbon, Portugal, 29th Feb – 4th Mar (2016)
109 - Mechanics of Sprouting Angiogenesis in Tumors
Rui DM Travasso
5th International Iberian Biophysical Congress, Porto, Portugal, 15th-17th Jun (2016)
110 - Tensão e proliferação celular no crescimento de vasos sanguíneos
Rui DM Travasso
Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil, 1st Apr (2015)
111 - Using Mathematical Modeling to Understand Sprout Elongation in Sprouting Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso
XIII CNC Annual Meeting, Coimbra, Portugal, 17th-18th Dec (2015)
112 - The force at the tip: modeling tension and proliferation in sprouting angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso
II International Symposium on Basic and Clinical Investigation on Globlastoma, Toledo, Spain, 9th -12th Sep (2015)
113 - The force at the tip: modeling tension and proliferation in sprouting angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso
University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 21st Oct (2015)
114 - Tensão e proliferação celular no crescimento de vasos sanguíneos
Rui DM Travasso
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2nd Apr (2015)
115 - Mathematical Modeling of Angiogenesis - Flow, Elasticity and Experiments
Rui DM Travasso
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 20th Nov (2013)
116 - Kinetics of the folding process: Important lessons from coarse-grained models
Rui DM Travasso
1st Meeting of Young Researchers in Computational Structural Biology (EJIBCE), Porto, Portugal, 20th Dec (2013)
117 - Mathematical Modeling of Pathological Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso
University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 22nd Jan (2013)
118 - Growing capillaries with the phase-field model
Rui D. M. Travasso, Susete Neiva, Antonio Correia, Eugenia Corvera, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, Aurora Hernandez- Machado
Mini symposium "Mathematical modeling and simulations of angiogenesis II" in SIAM Life Sicences, San Diego, USA, 7th-10th Aug (2012)
119 - Why do protein folding rates correlate with metrics of native topology
Patrícia F.N. Faísca, Rui DM Travasso, Andrea Parisi, Antonio Rey
University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 30th Sep (2011)
120 - Why do protein folding rates correlate with metrics of native topology
Patrícia F.N. Faísca, Rui DM Travasso, Andrea Parisi, Antonio Rey
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 4th Oct (2011)
121 - Delivering nutrients to a tissue: blood flow and growing capillaries
Rui DM Travasso, Aurora Hernández-Machado, Mario Castro, Eugenia Corvera Poiré, Joaquin Flores, Orlando Oliveira, Joana Oliveira, Tobias Schwartz
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 16th Feb (2011)
122 - Phase-Field Modeling in Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Aurora Hernández-Machado, Mario Castro, Joana Oliveira, Eugenia Corvera Poiré
University of Castilla la Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain, 30th Nov (2010)
123 - Growing Blood Vessels in a Computer
Rui D. M. Travasso, Aurora Hernandez-Machado, Mario Castro, and Eugenia Corvera
The Physics of Biological Systems: From Genes to Societies, Lisboa 2nd-3rd Oct (2008)
124 - Towards a phase-field description of tumor angiogenesis
Rui D. M. Travasso, Aurora Hernandez-Machado, Mario Castro, and Eugenia Corvera
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 19th Nov (2008)
125 - Phase-field description of tumor angiogenesis
Rui D. M. Travasso, Aurora Hernandez-Machado, Mario Castro, and Eugenia Corvera
Phase Field Simulations: Material Science meets Biology
and Medicine, 12th-14th Nov (2008)
126 - Nucleation phenomena in protein folding: role of chain length and native geometry
Rui D. M. Travasso, Patricia Faisca, and Margarida M Telo da Gama
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 27th Feb (2008)
127 - Mathematical Modeling of Wild Type and Mutant Keratin-14 Network Dynamics and Keratin Aggregate Formation
M. Gouveia, T. Sorcan, S. Zemljic-Jokhadar, RDM Travasso, M. Liovic
ECMTB 2024, Toledo, Spain, 22nd – 26th Jul (2024)
128 - Modelling the Influence of Loss of E-Cadherin and Stroma Attachment in Cancer Cell Invasion: Mathematical Approach
P. Guerrero, S. Melo, M. Moreira-Soares, JR Bordin, F. Carneiro, P. Carneiro, MB Dias, J. Carvalho, J. Figueiredo, R. Seruca, RDM. Travasso
ECMTB 2024, Toledo, Spain, 22nd – 26th Jul (2024)
129 - Microenvironment Anisotropy drives Cell Migration and Large-Scale Nuclear Deformations – a coupled in silico and in vitro study
A. Paulino, C. Leclech, M. Gouveia, J. Carvalho, RDM Travasso, A. Barakat
ECMTB 2024, Toledo, Spain, 22nd – 26th Jul (2024)
130 - Notch Flow-Driven Polarisation and Signalling in Vessels - a Mathematical Model
RDM Travasso, M.M. Sá, M. Gouveia, M. Palmeira, E. Ferreira, C. Sahlgren
ECMTB 2024, Toledo, Spain, 22nd – 26th Jul (2024)
131 - The ECM and Tissue Architecture are Major Determinants of Early Invasion Mediated by E-Cadherin Dysfunction
RDM Travasso, et al.
IUTAM 2024 – Theoretical and numerical developments in cellular mechanobiology, Seville, Spain, 3rd – 5th Jun (2024)
132 - Towards Prostate Cancer Predicative in Silico Models – the Early Stages and Vascular Growth
RDM Travasso, et al.
9th ECCOMAS Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 3rd – 7th Jun (2024)
133 - Fibrinogen-Mediated Erythrocyte-Erythrocyte Adhesion: Clinical Relevance, Experimental Assessment and Mathematical Modeling
N. Santos, C. Lopes, J. Curty, F. Carvalho, A. Hernández-Machado, K. Kinoshita, R. Travasso
11th International Conference on Biological Physics, South Korea, 14th – 18th Aug (2023)
134 - Adhesion modulates cell migration and endothelial cell dynamics
R. Travasso, M. Gouveia, M. Palmeira, M. Soares, S. Cunha, J. Bordin
International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023, Sendai, Japan (remote
participation), 6th – 8th Nov (2023)
135 - Heart Rate in Mammals (contributed talk)
R. Travasso, C. Penick, R. Dunn, E. Poiré
International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023, Sendai, Japan (remote
participation), 6th – 8th Nov (2023)
136 - Influence of the Underlining Duct Structure in Prostate Adenocarcinoma
F. Paiva, J. Carvalho, G. Lorenzo, R. Travasso
Encontro Novos Talentos em Física, Coimbra, Portugal, 23rd–24th Jul (2022)
137 - Influence of the Underlining Duct Structure in Prostate Adenocarcinoma
F. Paiva, J. Carvalho, G. Lorenzo, R. Travasso
Research School and Workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Self Organization in Medicine, Biology and Ecology, Palermo, Italy, 30th May – 3rd Jun (2022)
138 - Intratumoral VEGF Nanotrapper Reduces Gliobastoma Vascularization and
Tumor Cell Mass
Travasso, R.
USACM Thematic Conference on the Role of Mathematical and Computational Modeling in Cancer Research, 10th - 11th January (2022)
139 - Adhesion modulates cell migration and endothelial cell dynamics
R. Travasso, M. Gouveia, M. Palmeira, M. Soares, S. Cunha, J. Bordin
• Topology, Physics, and Chemistry of Soft Matter, Trento, Italy, 5th – 9th Sep (2022)
140 - Effect of Anti-VEGF Presentation in Controlling Vascular Development
R. Travasso, M. Gouveia, I. Pinto, M. Soares, C. Henriques
56th Annual Scientific Meeting of ESCI, Bari, Italy, 8th - 10th Jun (2022)
141 - Role of prostate gland network structure in early stage prostate cancer growth
António Sérgio Morais, Guillermo Lorenzo, Rui DM Travasso, João Carvalho
55th Annual Scientific Meeting of ESCI, 9th - 11th Jun (2021)
142 - Role of prostate gland network structure in early stage prostate cancer growth
António Sérgio Morais, Guillermo Lorenzo, Rui DM Travasso, João Carvalho
Virtual SMB 2021 Annual Meeting, 13th - 17th June (2021)
143 - Modeling angiogenesis in type 2 diabetes mellitus: integrating experimental and theoretical approaches
T. Cruz, M. Gouveia, M. Oliveira, R. Travasso
EMBO workshop - Vascular malformations: From fundamental biology to
therapeutic opportunities, Badalona, Spain, 6th - 8th Oct (2021)
144 - Three dimensional computer model of urothelium, bladder cancer development and collective tumor invasion
João Carvalho, Valéria Lopes, Rui Travasso
55th Annual Scientific Meeting of ESCI, 9th - 11th Jun (2021)
145 - Fibrinogen-Mediated Erythrocyte Adhesion
Juliana Curty, Catarina Soura Lopes, A. Hernández-Machado, Filomena Carvalho, Nuno Correia Santos, Rui DM Travasso
55th Annual Scientific Meeting of ESCI, 9th - 11th Jun (2021)
146 - Fibrinogen-Mediated Erythrocyte Adhesion
Juliana Curty, Catarina Soura Lopes, A. Hernández-Machado, Filomena Carvalho, Nuno Correia Santos, Rui DM Travasso
Virtual SMB 2021 Annual Meeting, 13th - 17th June (2021)
147 - Tip cell migration in sprouting angiogenesis: The role of extracellular matrix mechanics
Marcos Gouveia, Rui DM Travasso
Virtual SMB 2021 Annual Meeting, 13th - 17th June (2021)
148 - Mathematical Perspective on Keratin Aggregate Formation in Keratinocytes with the Severe K14 R125P Mutation
Marcos Gouveia, Tjasa Sorcan, Spela Zemljic-Jokhadar, Rui DM Travasso, Mirjana Liovic
55th Annual Scientific Meeting of ESCI, 9th - 11th Jun (2021)
149 - Adhesion modulates cell morphology and migration within dense fibrous networks
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, José Rafael Bordin, Susana P Cunha
Virtual SMB 2021 Annual Meeting, 13th - 17th June (2021)
150 - 3D Multiscale Modeling of Chemotherapeutic Drug Delivery to Malignant Tumors
Sahar Jafari Nivlouei, M Soltani, João Carvalho, Rui DM Travasso, Mohammad Reza Salimpour, Ebrahim Shirani
55th Annual Scientific Meeting of ESCI, 9th - 11th Jun (2021)
151 - 3D Multiscale Modeling of Chemotherapeutic Drug Delivery to Malignant Tumors
Sahar Jafari Nivlouei, M Soltani, João Carvalho, Rui DM Travasso, Mohammad Reza Salimpour, Ebrahim Shirani
Virtual SMB 2021 Annual Meeting, 13th - 17th June (2021)
152 - How Far can H2O2 Travel in Blood Circulation?
Tânia Sousa, Rui DM Travasso, Armindo Salvador
Virtual SMB 2021 Annual Meeting, 13th - 17th June (2021)
153 - How Far can H2O2 Travel in Blood Circulation?
Tânia Sousa, Rui DM Travasso, Armindo Salvador
20th Biennial Meeting of SFRR International, 15th - 18th Mar (2021)
154 - How Far can H2O2 Travel in Blood Circulation?
Tânia Sousa, Rui DM Travasso, Armindo Salvador
55th Annual Scientific Meeting of ESCI, 9th - 11th Jun (2021)
155 - Mathematical Modeling of Cell Movement and Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Maurício M Soares, Marcos Gouveia
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. 28 February 2020 (2020)
156 - Data Extraction from Mitochondrial Motility Tracking using Computational Algorithms (contributed talk)
Rute Pino, Rui Simões, Maurício Moreira‐Soares, Teresa Cunha‐Oliveira, J. Kovarova, J. Neuzil, Rui DM Travasso, Paulo J Oliveira, Francisco Pereira
ESCI Virtual Meeting 2020 – COVID Edition, 20-30 September 2020 (2020)
157 - Keratin dynamics: solving PDEs inside moving domains using phase-field methods
Marcos Gouveia, Miguel Murça, Mirjana Liovic, Rui DM Travasso
Measuring and Modelling Cell Migration, Vienna, Austria, 22th-23th Feb (2018)
158 - Simulating vessel growth with extracellular matrix remodeling
Marcos Gouveia, Rui DM Travasso
Física 2018, Covilhã, Portugal, 30th Aug - 1st Sep (2018)
159 - Modelling cell shape and migration: a phase-field approach
Mauricio Moreira-Soares, José Rafael Bordin, Abdul I. Barakat, Rui D. M. Travasso,
11th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB 2018) (2018)
160 - Understanding cell shape and migration – a computational study
Maurício Moreira Soares, José R. Bordin, Abdul Barakat, Rui DM Travasso
Física 2018, Covilhã, Portugal, 30th Aug - 1st Sep (2018)
161 - The stiffness of keratinocytes at small deformations depends on keratin dynamics
Špela Zemljič-Jokhadar, Jure Derganc, Marcos Gouveia, Biljana Stojković, Marko Vidak, Rui Travasso, Mirjana Liović
EuroCellNet Scientific Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 30th-31st May (2018)
162 - Simulating vessel growth with extracellular matrix remodeling
Marcos Gouveia, Rui DM Travasso
ECCOMAS MultiBioMe, Vienna, Austria, 11th-13th Sep (2017)
163 - Modeling Tension and Adhesion in Cell Movement and Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso
Session “Oncology” at Ciência 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, 3rd-5th Jul (2017)
164 - Modeling Tension and Adhesion in Cell Movement and Angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso
EuroCellNet Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 23rd-24th Mar (2017)
165 - Modelação de crescimento axonal
Beatriz Costa Gomes, Ramiro Almeida, Rui DM Travasso
Presentation of Projects in Biomedical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 10th Feb (2016)
166 - Tumor angiogenesis: a mathematical model in three dimensions
M. M. Soares, L. Rebelo, R. A. Coimbra, J. Carvalho, R. D. M. Travasso,
Physical Biology of Tissue Morphogenesis - Mechanics, Metabolism and Signaling, Dresden, Germany, 17th-21st Oct (2016)
167 - Vascular Growth in Tumor Angiogenesis: a Mathematical Model in Three Dimensions
Rita Coimbra, Maurício Moreira-Soares , João Carvalho, Rui DM Travasso
Física 2016, Braga, Portugal, 8th-10th Sep (2016)
168 - Mechanics of Sprouting Angiogenesis in Tumors
Rui DM Travasso
Modelling and Experiments in Drug Delivery Systems, Coimbra, Portugal, 20th-22nd Jun (2016)
169 - Reconstrução Automática da Rede Capilar da Retina de um Paciente
Rute Marto, Luís Cruz, Rui DM Travasso, João Carvalho
Presentation of Projects in Biomedical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 30th May (2016)
170 - Tumour angiogenesis and vascular patterning: a mathematical model
M. M. Soares, R. D. M. Travasso, A. Diehl
XVI UFPel Meeting of Postgraduate, Pelotas, Brasil. (2014)
171 - Regulation of Blood Vessel Growth
Patrícia Oliveira, Rui DM Travasso, João Carvalho, Orlando Oliveira
Presentation of Projects in Biomedical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 30th May (2014)
172 - Mechanical Forces in Vascular Sprouting
Rui DM Travasso
9th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Gotemburg, Sweden, 15th-19th Jun (2014)
173 - Mathematical Modeling of Angiogenesis - Flow, Elasticity and Experiments
Rui DM Travasso, Teresa M Ribeiro-Rodrigues, António L Correia, Eugenia Corvera Poiré, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Manzaneque, A. Hernández-Machado
Mathways into Cancer II, Carmona, Sevilla (Spain), 27th-30th May (2013)
174 - Modelacao 3D de crescmento de redes vasculares em condicoes patologicas
Margarida D.S. Quinas Guerra, Rui D.M. Travasso
Apresentacao Intercalar dos Projectos de Engenharia Biomedica, Coimbra, Portugal, 16th-18th February (2011)
175 - Delivering nutrients to a tissue: blood flow and growing capillaries
Rui D.M. Travasso, Aurora Hernandez-Machado, Mario Castro, Eugenia Corvera, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, Joaquin Flores, Orlando Oliveira, Joana Oliveira, Tobias Schwartz
SINAL 2011, Coimbra, Portugal, 28th-30th April (2011)
176 - Phase-field modeling in tumor growth and angiogenesis
Rui D. M. Travasso, Aurora Hernandez-Machado, Mario Castro, Eugenia Corvera, and Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque
First Porto Meeting on Theory and Experiment in Nonlinear Physics, Porto, Portugal, 7th-9th July (2010)
177 - Towards a model for angiogenesis
Rui D. M. Travasso, Aurora Hernandez-Machado, Mario Castro, and Eugenia Corvera
Summer school: New trends in physics and mechanics of biological systems, Les Houches, France, July (2009)
178 - Simulation of the spinodal phase separation dynamics of the Bi-Zn system
Joana C.R.E. Oliveira, Maria H. Braga, Rui D.M. Travasso
Non-Crystalline Solids, Porto, 27th-30th Apr (2008)
179 - The ECM and Tissue Architecture are Major Determinants of Early Invasion Mediated by E-Cadherin Dysfunction
RDM Travasso, et al.
Curvobio 2024, Warsaw, Poland, 28th – 30th Aug (2024)
180 - Modeling the Transport of Hydrogen Peroxide in Human Tissues
A. Itacarambi, R. Travasso, A. Salvador
3rd Meeting of Young Biophysicists, Porto, Portugal, 1st – 2nd Jun (2023)
181 - Mathematical Modeling of Endothelial Cell Dynamics in Vascular Sprouts
M. Palmeira, M. Gouveia, R. Travasso
Building Bridges in Biology Symposium, 1st – 3rd Mar (2023)
182 - Spatially localized redox relays allow sensitive site-specific hydrogen peroxide signaling
A. Salvador, M. Griffith, A. Araújo, R. Travasso
SfRBM 23, Punta del Este, Uruguay, 15th – 18th Nov (2023)
183 - How far can H2O2 signal over the circulation, how abundant is it?
A. Salvador, T. Sousa, M. Gouveia, R. Travasso
EMBO Workshop on Thiol Oxidation in Biology: Biochemical Mechanisms to
Physiological Outcomes, 8th – 13th Oct (2022)
184 - Effect of Anti-VEGF Presentation in Controlling Vascular Development
R. Travasso, M. Gouveia, I. Pinto, M. Soares, C. Henriques
Iberian Biophysics Congress, Bilbao, Spain, 20th – 21st June (2022)
185 - Mathematical Modeling of Vascular Network Growth in Endometriosis
R. Travasso, M. Gouveia, I. Pinto, M. Soares, C. Henriques
6th European Endometriosis Congress, Bordeaux, France, 15th – 17th June (2022)
186 - Biomechanical properties of obese and diabetic extracellular matrices impact on blood vessel formation
T. Cruz, M. Gouveia, M. Oliveira, R. Travasso
EACR Goodbye Flat Biology: Next Generation Cancer Models, 5th - 6th Oct (2021)
187 - Keratin dynamics: solving PDEs inside moving domains using phase-field methods
Marcos Gouveia, Miguel Murça, Mirjana Liovic, Rui DM Travasso
Measuring and Modelling Cell Migration, Vienna, Austria, 22th-23th Feb (2018)
188 - Modelling the growth of glioblastomas
Marina Oliveira, João Carvalho, Rui DM Travasso
Presentation of Projects in Biomedical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 9th Feb (2018)
189 - Modelling the growth of glioblastomas
Marina Oliveira, João Carvalho, Rui DM Travasso
Presentation of Projects in Biomedical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 1st Jun (2018)
190 - Modelling cell shape and migration with a phase-field model
Mauricio Moreira-Soares, José Rafael Bordin, Abdul I. Barakat, Rui D. M. Travasso,
Measuring and modelling cell migration, Wien, Österreich (2018)
191 - Modeling cell shape and migration with a phase-field model
Maurício Moreira Soares, José R. Bordin, Abdul Barakat, Rui DM Travasso
Física 2018, Covilhã, Portugal, 30th Aug - 1st Sep (2018)
192 - Localized redox relays as a privileged mode of cytoplasmic hydrogen peroxide signaling
Rui DM Travasso, Fernando Sampaio dos Aidos, Pedro Abranches, Anahita Bayani, Armindo Salvador
OCC World Congress and Annual SFRR-E Conference 2017 - Metabolic Stress and Redox Regulation, Berlin, Germany, 21st-23rd Jun (2017)
193 - Modelação de crescimento axonal
Beatriz Costa Gomes, Ramiro Almeida, Rui DM Travasso
Presentation of Projects in Biomedical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 30th May (2016)
194 - Tumor Angiogenesis: a Mathematical Model in Three Dimensions
Maurício Moreira-Soares , Rita Coimbra, João Carvalho, Rui DM Travasso
Ciência 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, 4th-6th Jul (2016)
195 - Vascular Growth in Tumor Angiogenesis: a Mathematical Model in Three Dimensions
Rita Coimbra, Maurício Moreira-Soares, João Carvalho, Rui DM Travasso
Porto Meetings in Mathematics and Biology, Porto, Portugal, 15th-17th Jun (2016)
196 - Reconstrução Automática da Rede Capilar da Retina de um Paciente
Rute Marto, Luís Cruz, Rui DM Travasso, João Carvalho
Presentation of Projects in Biomedical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 10th Feb (2016)
197 - Regulation of Blood Vessel Growth
Patrícia Oliveira, Rui DM Travasso, João Carvalho, Orlando Oliveira
Presentation of Projects in Biomedical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 12th-14th Feb (2014)
198 - Mechanical Forces in Vascular Sprouting
Rui DM Travasso, António Correia, Patrícia Oliveira
5th International Meeting in Angiogenesis, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 12th-14th Mar (2014)
199 - Validity of the contact order – rate correlation in the folding of small single domain proteins – A Monte Carlo simulation
Rui DM Travasso, Heinrich Krobath, Patrícia Faísca
CCP2014, Boston, USA, 11th-14th Aug (2014)
200 - Modeling angiogenesis – a theoretical and experimental study
Rui DM Travasso, Tiago Rodrigues, Teresa Rodrigues, Carlos Peris Torres, Paulo Matafome, Raquel Seiça, Henrique Girão
IV Meeting of IBILI, Coimbra, Portugal, 11th-12th Dec (2014)
201 - A mathematical model for pathological angiogenesis
M. M. Soares, R. D. M. Travasso, A. Diehl
XXXVI National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics, São Paulo, Brasil. (2013)
202 - Physical approach for vascular endothelial growth modelling
M. M. Soares, R. D. M. Travasso, A. Diehl
I South Meeting of Physics, Curitiba, Brasil. (2013)
203 - Hypoxia in vascular networks: a complex system approach to unraveling the Diabetes paradox.
Yerali Gandica, Tobias Schwartz, Orlando Oliveira and Rui Travasso
European Conference in Complex Networks (ECCS ́2013), Barcelona. 16-20 September (2013)
204 - Influence of tissue mechanics on blood vessel growth
António Correia, Rui DM Travasso
Apresentação Intercalar dos Projetos de Engenharia Biomédica, Coimbra, Portugal, 6th-8th June (2012)
205 - Influence of tissue mechanics on blood vessel growth
António Correia, Rui DM Travasso
Apresentação Intercalar dos Projetos de Engenharia Biomédica, Coimbra, Portugal, 23rd-25th Feb (2012)
206 - Simple and complete mathematical modeling framework of angiogenesis
Rui D. M. Travasso, Susete Neiva, Antonio Correia, Eugenia Corvera, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, Aurora Hernandez- Machado
Angiogenesis - Molecular Mechanisms and Functional Interactions, 7th International Kloster Seeon Meeting in Angiogenesis, Kloster Seeon, Germany, 14th-18th Sep (2012)
207 - Why do protein folding rates correlate with metrics of native topology?
Rui DM Travasso, Patrcia Fasca, Andrea Parisi, Antonio Rey
Gordon Reseach Conference - Protein Folding Dynamics, Ventura, U.S.A. 8th-
13th January (2012)
208 - Mathematical modeling of pathological angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Teresa M Ribeiro-Rodrigues, António L Correia, Eugenia Corvera Poiré, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Manzaneque, A. Hernández-Machado
IBILI Meeting 2012, Coimbra, Portugal, 6th-7th Dec (2012)
209 - Mathematical modeling of pathological angiogenesis
Rui DM Travasso, Teresa M Ribeiro-Rodrigues, António L Correia, Eugenia Corvera Poiré, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Manzaneque, A. Hernández-Machado
2nd PF2MUC Symposium - Changing Paradigms of Science, Coimbra, Portugal, 26th Oct (2012)
210 - Morphology of vascular networks - a computational study
Susete Neiva, Rui DM Travasso
Apresentação Intercalar dos Projetos de Engenharia Biomédica, Coimbra, Portugal, 23rd-25th Feb (2012)
211 - Morphology of vascular networks - a computational study
Susete Neiva, Rui DM Travasso
Apresentação Intercalar dos Projetos de Engenharia Biomédica, Coimbra, Portugal, 6th-8th June (2012)
212 - Quantitative determination of VEGF produces and internalized in a human endothelial cell line
Teresa Rodrigues, Paulo Pereira, Rui D.M. Travasso
SINAL 2012, Braga, Portugal, 13th-14th Apr (2012)
213 - Modelacao 3D de crescmento de redes vasculares em condicoes patologicas
Margarida D.S. Quinas Guerra, Rui D.M. Travasso
Apresentacao Intercalar dos Projectos de Engenharia Biomedica, Coimbra, Portugal, 1st-3rd June (2011)
214 - Delivering nutrients to a tissue: blood flow and capillary growth
Rui D.M. Travasso, Tobias Schwartz, Eugenia Corvera, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, Orlando Oliveira, Joana Oliveira, Aurora Hernandez- Machado
1st PF2MUC Symposium, Coimbra, Portugal, 17th October (2011)
215 - Delivering nutrients to a tissue: blood flow and capillary growth
Rui D.M. Travasso, Tobias Schwartz, Eugenia Corvera, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, Orlando Oliveira, Joana Oliveira, Aurora Hernandez- Machado
FisEs 2011, Barcelona, Spain, 2nd-4th June (2011)
216 - Phase Field Simulations on miscibility gaps
Joana O. Espain, Rui D. M. Travasso, Luc L. Daemen, and Maria Helena Braga
Frontiers in interface physics: microfluidics, biomembranes and nanostructures, Benasque, Spain, 10th-14th November (2010)
217 - Angiogenesis and vascular patterning
Rui D. M. Travasso, Eugenia Corvera, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, and Aurora Hernandez-Machado
Physics meets Biology, Oxford, UK, 1st-3rd September (2010)
218 - Angiogenesis and vascular patterning
Rui D. M. Travasso, Eugenia Corvera, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, and Aurora Hernandez-Machado
Modelling Angiogenesis - Joining cells, maths and computers, Leiden, Netherlands, 4th-8th October (2010)
219 - Angiogenesis and vascular patterning
Rui D. M. Travasso, Eugenia Corvera, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, and Aurora Hernandez-Machado
Frontiers in interface physics: microfluidics, biomembranes and nanostructures, Benasque, Spain, 10th-14th November (2010)
220 - Phase Field Simulations on miscibility gaps
Rui D. M. Travasso, Joana O. Espain, Luc L. Daemen, and Maria Helena Braga
TOFA - Discussion Meeting on Thermodynamics of Alloys, Porto, Portugal, 12th-16th September (2010)
221 - Phase-field description of tumor angiogenesis
Rui D. M. Travasso, Aurora Hernandez-Machado, Mario Castro, and Eugenia Corvera
Biophysical Mechanisms of Development, Oeiras, Portugal, 25th - 27th May (2009)
222 - Capillary growth induced by tumors
Susana Silva, Rui D. M. Travasso, and Fernando Nogueira,
Apresentacao Intercalar dos Projectos de Engenharia Biomedica, Coimbra, Portugal 3rd - 5th June (2009)
223 - Capillary growth induced by tumors
Susana Silva, Rui D. M. Travasso, and Fernando Nogueira,
Apresentacao Intercalar dos Projectos de Engenharia Biomedica, Coimbra, Portugal, 18th-20th Feb (2009)
224 - Finite Element Simulations of Immiscible Liquids on Lead Free Solders
Maria H. Braga, J. C. R. E. Oliveira, R. D. M. Travasso, L. F. Malheiros, and J. Ferreira
Advanced Solder Materials for High Temperature Application (HISOLD),
Genoa, Italy 21th-22th Feb (2008)
225 - Identifying critical residues in protein folding: Insights from phi-value and Pfold analysis
Patricia F.N. Faisca, and Rui D.M. Travasso
Protein Folding Dynamics - Gordon Research Conferences, Ventura, USA, 6th-11th Jan (2008)
226 - Coarsening in sheared systems and metastability in ising systems with four-spin interactions
Rui D. M. Travasso
Universty of Manchester, UK (2003)
227 - Gulbenkian New Talents in Physics Program
Travasso, RDM.
Mentor of New Talents in Physics awardee, Ana Bensabat Paulino. (2024)
- Angiogenesis in diabetic retinopathy – Integrating experiments and modeling
- COST Action: CA15214 - An integrative action for multidisciplinary studies on cellular structural networks
- Cost Action CA-22153: European Curvature and Biology Network (EuroCurvoBioNet)
- Cost Action: CA17139 - European Topology Interdisciplinary Action
- Modeling Angiogenesis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - integrating experimental and theoretical approaches
- Physical Modelling of Tumours - Understanding the metastasis mechanism
- The nature of the protein folding process