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Resonances in the response of fluidic networks inherent to the cooperation between elasticity and bifurcations

Authors: Yanez, D; Travasso, RDM; Poire, EC

Ref.: Royal Soc. Open Sci. 6(9), 190661 (2019)

Abstract: A global response function (GRF) of an elastic network is introduced as a generalization of the response function (RF) of a rigid network, relating the average flow along the network with the pressure difference at its extremes. The GRF can be used to explore the frequency behaviour of a fluid confined in a tree-like symmetric elastic network in which vessels bifurcate into identical vessels. We study such dynamic response for elastic vessel networks containing viscous fluids. We find that the bifurcation structure, inherent to tree-like networks, qualitatively changes the dynamic response of a single elastic vessel, and gives resonances at certain frequencies. This implies that the average flow throughout the network could be enhanced if the pulsatile forcing at the network’s inlet were imposed at the resonant frequencies. The resonant behaviour comes from the cooperation between the bifurcation structure and the elasticity of the network, since the GRF has no resonances either for a single elastic vessel or for a rigid network. We have found that resonances shift to high frequencies as the system becomes more rigid. We have studied two different symmetric tree-like network morphologies and found that, while many features are independent of network morphology, particular details of the response are morphology dependent. Our results could have applications to some biophysical networks, for which the morphology could be approximated to a tree-like symmetric structure and a constant pressure at the outlet. The GRF for these networks is a characteristic of the system fluid-network, being independent of the dynamic flow (or pressure) at the network’s inlet. It might therefore represent a good quantity to differentiate healthy vasculatures from those with a medical condition. Our results could also be experimentally relevant in the design of networks engraved in microdevices, since the limit of the rigid case is almost impossible to attain with the materials used in microfluidics and the condition of constant pressure at the outlet is often given by the atmospheric pressure.

DOI: 10.1098/rsos.190661