Publications [LaTeX]
- CERN/FP/109316/2009 - Asymmetric nuclear matter: from the lab to neutron stars
- CERN/FP/83505/2008 - Asymmetric nuclear matter: from the lab to neutron stars
- Compact Stars: Laboratories for nuclear and particle physics
- Estudo das Propriedades Nucleares e Hadrónicas com Modelos Relativistas
- Formação de gotas em matéria nuclear quente e assimétrica numa abordagem relativista
- From particles to compact stars
- Física nuclear relativista: equação de estado e transições de fase
- POCI/FP/63419/2005 - Relativistic hadronic matter: EOS and collective modes
- POCI/FP/63918/2005 Phase transitions in hadronic matter with applications to astrophysics
- POCI/FP/81923/2007 - Asymmetric nuclear matter: from the lab to neutron stars
- Stellar matter at subsaturation densities: neutron star crust and supernova