2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1974 | 1973 | 1972 | 1971 | 1970 | 1969 | 1968 | 1967 | 1966 | 1965 | 1964 | 1963 | 1962 | 1961 | 500 | 0
1986 [LaTeX]
International Journals
1 - Dielectric description of hadrons with anti-de Sitter symmetry
E. van Beveren, T. A. Rijken and C. Dullemond
J. Math. Phys. 27, 1411-1418 (1986)
2 - On the determinant of certain strictly dissipative matrices.
Lin. Alg. Appl. 83, 117 (1986)
3 - Matrices satisfying a conjecture of G.N. de Oliveira on determinants.
Lin. Alg. Appl. 78, 187 (1986)
4 - On the evaluation of semiclassical nuclear many-particle many-hole level densities
A.H. Blin, R.W. Hasse, B. Hiller, P. Schuck, C. Yannouleas
Nucl. Phys. A456, 109 (1986)
5 - The method of virtual quanta applied to pion production in heavy ion collisions
A.H. Blin, C. Guet, B. Hiller
Nucl. Phys. A454, 746 (1986)
6 - On the role of quantum and statistical effects in the liquid-gas phase transition of hot nuclei
A.H. Blin, B. Hiller, H. Reinhardt, P. Schuck
J. Phys. (France) 47, C4-432 (1986)
7 - Bubble formation in hot nuclei induced by statistical fluctuations,
A.H. Blin, M. Brack, B. Hiller
Phys.Lett. B182, 239 (1986)
8 - Restoration of Chiral Symmetry and the Collective Quark-Antiquark Pion
M. C. Ruivo
J.Phys. G 12, 571-581 (1986)
9 - Landau damping and one-body dissipation in nuclei
C. Fiolhais
Annals of Physics (N. Y.) 171, 186-204 (1986)
10 - A simple model for the pion field around a static source
M. Fiolhais, M. Rosina
Portugaliae Physica 17, 49-74 (1986)
11 - Thermal boson expansion for the Heisenberg ferromagnet
M. Brajczewska, C. Fiolhais and J. da Providência
Physica 137A, 196-206 (1986)
12 - Nuclear Friction and Lifetime of Induced Fission, K
.H. Bhatt, P. Grang´e, and B. Hiller
Phys. Rev. C33, (1986) 954 C33, 954 (1986)
13 - A low lying scalar meson nonet in a unitarized meson model
E. van Beveren, T. A. Rijken, K. Metzger, C. Dullemond, G. Rupp and J. E. Ribeiro
Zeitschrift fuer Physik C Particles and Fields 30, 615-620 (1986)
14 - Surface tension and nuclear low-lying vibrations in a fluid dynamical approach
Brito, L. P
Phys. Lett. 177B, 251 (1986)
15 - Landau damping and one-body dissipation in nuclei - its role for the monopole and high multipoles l > 4
C. Fiolhais
Proceedings of the Topical Meeting on Phase Space Approach to Nuclear Dynamics, M. Di Toro, W. Noerenberg, M. Rosina, and S. Stringari (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 356-365 (1986)
International Conferences
16 - On the role of quantum and statistical effects in the liquid-gas phase transition of hot nuclei
A.H. Blin, B. Hiller, H. Reinhardt, P. Schuck
Abstracts, International Conference on Heavy Ion Nuclear Collisions in the Fermi Energy Domain, Caen, France, 69 (1986)
17 - On the role of quantum tunnelling effects in the liquid-gas transition of hot nuclei
A.H. Blin, B. Hiller, H. Reinhardt, P. Schuck
Abstracts, International Conference on Heavy Ion Nuclear Collisions in the Fermi Energy Domain, Caen, France, 67 (1986)
18 - Limiting temperatures of highly excited nuclei
E. Strumberger, J. Bartel, A.H. Blin, B. Hiller, M. Brack, C. Guet
Abstracts, International Conference on Heavy Ion Nuclear Collisions in the Fermi Energy Domain, Caen, France, 66 (1986)
19 - Semimicroscopic calculation of ion-ion potentials
A.H. Blin, M. Brack, B. Hiller, E. Werner
Proc. XXI Winter School on Physics, Zakopane, Poland 1986, ed. R. Broda, Z. Stachura, IFJ Kraków 1344/PS, 346 (1986)
20 - Semiclassical nuclear many-particle many-hole level densities,
A.H. Blin, R.W. Hasse, B. Hiller, P. Schuck
Proc. XXI Winter School on Physics, Zakopane, Poland 1986, ed. R. Broda, Z. Stachura, IFJ Kraków 1344/PS, 343 (1986)
21 - Variational approach to nuclear fluiddynamics.
L. P. Brito e C. da Providência
Proceedings of the Topical Meeting on Phase Space Approach to Nuclear Dynamics. M. Di Toro, W. Nörenberg, M. Rosina e S. Stringari (Eds),
World Scientific, Singapura, 677 (1986)
Portuguese Conferences
22 - Gradientes de Campo Eléctrico em Diferentes Fases do Sistema Nb-H
J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, A.P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, S. Yuquin, R. Peichl e A. Weidinger
5ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 86
Braga, Outubro 1986 1.52 (1986)
23 - Implementação de um sistema de gestão e aquisição de dados aplicável a várias experiências independentes
J. Jesus, P.J. Mendes, C. Lopes Gil, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, A.P. de Lima
5ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 86
Braga, Outubro 1986 5.68 (1986)
24 - Estudos de Hidretos de Disprósio utilizando a Técnica de Correlações Angulares Perturbadas
L.P. Ferreira, J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, A.P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, G. Teisseron e P. Vuillet
5ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 86
Braga, Outubro 1986 1.51 (1986)
25 - Captura de Hidrogénio por Impurezas Intersticiais em Nb e Ta Estudadas por Correlações angulares Perturbadas
P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, A.P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, R. Peichl e A. Weidinger
5ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 86
Braga, Outubro 1986 1.54 (1986)
26 - International Nuclear Physics Conference
C. Fiolhais
Harrogate, England (1986)
27 - Semiclassical nuclear many-particle many-hole level densities
A.H. Blin
XXI Winter School on Physics, Zakopane, Poland (1986)
28 - Electric field gradients in different Niobium hydride phases
J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, A. P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, Sheng Yuqin, R. Peichl, A. Weidinger
29 - Photon Correlation Spectroscopy studies of haemoglobin molecule
M.Amália F.Tavares, FranciscoP.S.C.Gil,Carlos M.B.A.Correia, M.Filomena O.P.Santos, J.Freitas Tavares
Molecules in Physics, Chemistry and Biology,Paris, Junho (1986)
30 - Estudo de Moléculas Biológicas por Difusão Quase-elástica da Luz
M.Amália F.Tavares, Francisco P.S.C.Gil, J.Freitas Tavares
5a Conferência Nacional de Física "Física 86", Braga, Setembro/Outubro (1986)
31 - Gamma-gamma perturbed angular correlation studies of Dysprosium hydrides
L. P. Ferreira, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, A. P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, G. Teisseron, P. Vuillet