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1991 [LaTeX]
Chapters of Books
1 - Les Mecanismes du Genie - Instruments Scientifiques du XVIIIe e XIXe Siecles, ed. 0
Décio R Martins, José B. P. Amorim, Anne-Catherine Bernes, Robert Halleux, Diane Lalevitch, Pascal Lefebvre, I. Malaquias, Estácio dos R. A, M. A Rodrigues, Michel Serres, Manuel F Thomaz, Geert Vanpoele
Bélgica: Europalia
ISBN: D/1991/1746/19 1 (1991)
2 - Traduçãdo do livro "Objectos Fractais, Forma, Acaso e Dimensão", autor B. Mandelbrot
C. Fiolhais
Gradiva, Lisbon
with a preface by translator (original: Les Objects Fractals, 3ª edition, Flammarion, Paris, 1989), with J. L. Malaquias Lima; 2ª edition, 1998. Mandelbrot acknowledged the work in the next French edition (1991)
International Journals
3 - Neutron-proton mass difference in a baryonic medium and the Nolen-Schiffer anomaly
M. Fiolhais, C. Christov, T. Neuber, M. Bergmann and K. Goeke
Physics Letters B 269, 43-48 (1991)
4 - Optical response of metal microclusters: atomic analog of the giant dipole resonance in nuclei
R. Broglia, J. Pacheco and C. Yannouleas
Physical Review B 44, 5901-5904 (1991)
5 - The intrinsic line width of the plasmon resonances in metal microclusters at very low temperatures: quantal surface fluctuations
J. Pacheco, R. Broglia and B. Mottelson
Zeitschrift fur Physik D 21, 289-292 (1991)
6 - The sigma -> pi pi decay width in the linear sigma model
Phys. Lett. B271, 21-26 (1991)
7 - Collective modes in relativistic nuclear matter: a semiclassical
M. Nielsen, C. Providência, J. da Providência
Phys. Rev. C 44, 209 (1991)
8 - Application of the canonical theory of mixed state to the description of bound state of the nucleus. I
Prog. Theor. Phys. 86, 419-428 (1991)
9 - Vlasov dynamics of a semi-infinite system
Phys. Rev. C 44, 2451-2455 (1991)
10 - The numerical range and the decomposable numerical range of matrices
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 29, 195-205 (1991)
11 - Two types of Schroedinger time evolution in the formalism of thermofield dynamics and their equivalence to the Liouville-von-Neumann equation
Prog. Theor. Phys. 85, 939 (1991)
12 - Four-point functions in quark flavor dynamics: meson-meson scattering
V. Bernard, U.G. Meissner, A.H. Blin, B. Hiller
Phys. Lett. B253, 443 (1991)
13 - Decay of Scalar-Isoscalar Excitations of the Vacuum in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
M. C. Ruivo
Europhys. Lett. 15, 139-144 (1991)
14 - Meson Resonances in a Generalized Nambu and Jona-Lasinio Model
C. A. de Sousa
Zeitschrift fur Physik C - Particles and Fields 49, 619-626 (1991)
15 - Origine et Développement du Cabinet de Physique Expérimentale de l' Université de Coimbra
Décio Ruivo Martins
Les Mecanismes du genie - Instruments Scientifiques du XVIIIe e XIXe Siecles, Charleroi, Bélgica (1991)
16 - Microscopic structure of the plasma resonance in charged potassium microcluster
C. Yannouleas, J. Pacheco and R. Broglia
Physical Review B 41, 6088-6091 (1991)
17 - Determination of the relative branching ratios for p anti-p ---> pi+ pi- and p anti-p ---> K+ K-
CPLEAR Collaboration (including E. van Beveren)
Physics Letters B 267, 154-158 (1991)
18 - Radiative transitions in a unitarized meson model
A.G.M. Verschuren, C. Dullemond and E. van Beveren
Phys. Rev. D 44, 2803-2817 (1991)
19 - Linear and angular momentum projected observables in the chiral chromodielectric model of the nucleon
M. Fiolhais, T. Neuber, K. Goeke, P. Alberto and J. Urbano
Physics Letters B 268, 1-5 (1991)
20 - Dos núcleos aos agregados atómicos - Campo médio e movimentos colectivos
C. Fiolhais
Colóquio Ciências, Ano 3 9, 22-42 (1991)
Portuguese Journals
21 - Ideias dos alunos sobre o conceito de som
M. H. Caldeira, M. E. Costa, M. A. Patrício, A. Pinto, E. M. Prata Pina, M.C. Ruivo e Marília F. Thomaz
Gazeta de Física, 22-33 (1991)
International Conferences
22 - Status of the CP LEAR experiment and first results
CPLEAR Collaboration (including E. van Beveren)
talk presented by C. Santoni at the Workshop on testing CPT and studying CP violation at a phi-factory, UCLA, USA, 20-27 April 1990, published in Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, ed. D. B. Cline 24, 45-54 (1991)
23 - Scalar mesons as Q anti-Q systems with meson meson admixtures
E. van Beveren
Prepared for Rheinfels Workshop 1990 on Hadron Mass Spectrum, St.Goar, Germany, 3-6 Sep 1990, published in Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 21, 43-48 (1991)
24 - Recent results of PS195 (CPLEAR) tests of CP violation with K0 and anti-K0 at LEAR
CPLEAR Collaboration (including E. van Beveren)
talk presented by C. Touramanis, published in Proceedings of the XIV International Warsaw Meeting on Elementary Particle Physics, Puzzles on the Electroweak Scale, Kazimierz, Poland, 27-31 May 1991, World Scientific Publishing, 167-170 (1991)
25 - Les Mecanismes du Genie - Instruments Scientifiques du XVIIIe e XIXe Siecles
José Bayolo Pacheco de Amorim, Anne-Catherine Bernes, Robert Halleux, Diane Lalevitch, Pascal Lefebvre, Isabel Maria Malaquias, Décio Ruivo Martins, António Estácio dos Reis, Manuel Augusto Rodrigues, Michel Serres, Manuel Fernandes Thomaz, Geert Vanpoele
Europalia Dr. Robert De Smet. Charleroi, Bélgica (1991)
26 - Initial performance of CPLEAR
CPLEAR Collaboration (including E. van Beveren)
talk presented by C. Fuglesang at the
First Biennial Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics, Manne Siegbahn Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 2-6 July 1990,
published in "Stockholm 1990", ed. P. Carlson, A. Kerek, C. Szilagyi, World Scientific (Singapore, Teaneck, N.J), 414-420 (1991)
Portuguese Conferences
27 - Influência do Estanho na Formação da Fase sigma nas Ligas Fe-Cr
B.F.O. Costa, S.M. Dubiel, P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos
V Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais - MATERIAIS 91
Lisboa, 6-8 Novembro 1991, 289-293 (1991)
28 - O ensino experimental da Física Clássica
M. José de Almeida, Décio R. Martins e M. Margarida Costa
2º Encontro Nacional de Didácticas e Metodologias de Ensino, Aveiro, 7 (1991)
29 - The NJL model: Bethe-Salpeter methods and large N_c counting.
B. Hiller
Seminar at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal (1991)
30 - Improved algorithms for real time autocorrelation functions in Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
Nuno Chichorro, Francisco P.S.C Gil, M.Amália F Tavares
EQEC 91 (European Quantum Electronics Conference) organizada pela EPS (European Physical Society), de 27 a 30 Agosto Edinburgh, Reino Unido. (1991)
31 - Determinação experimental da aceleração da gravidade com um pêndulo reversível de Kater
Martins, Décio R.
32 - Prefácio do livro "Objectos Fractais, Forma, Acaso e Dimensão", autor B. Mandelbrot
C. Fiolhais
Lisbon: Gradiva (1991)
33 - O Gabinete de Física Experimental da Universidade de Coimbra
Martins, Décio R.
Martins, Décio R.
Exposição / Museológica (1991)
35 - Aspectos da evolução do ensino da física experimental em Coimbra
Martins, Décio R.
36 - Genius Ex Machina
Décio R Martins, L. A Veiga, J. Schelfhout
Gent – Belgium: Maverick Audio – Visuals Johan Schelfhout De Pintelaan (1991)