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The Nature of the X(2175)
Authors: S. Coito, G. Rupp, and E. van Beveren
Ref.: Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 2, 431-436 (2009)
Abstract: We study the puzzling vector meson X(2175) in a multichannel generalisation of the Resonance-Spectrum-Expansion model. Besides the usual P-wave pseudoscalar-pseudoscalar, pseudoscalar-vector, and vector-vector channels that couple to mesons with vector quantum numbers, we also include the important S-wave vector-scalar, pseudoscalar-axialvector and vector-axialvector channels, including the observed $phi$(1020)$f_0$(980) decay mode. The strong coupling to nearby S-wave channels originates dynamically generated poles, two of which come out close to the energy region of the X(2175), viz. at (2.037-i0.170) GeV and (2.382-i0.20) GeV. Further improvements are proposed.
URL: arxiv.org