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Impact of dark matter on tidal signatures in neutron star mergers with the Einstein Telescope

Authors: H. Koehn; E. Giangrandi; N. Kunert; R. Somasundaram; V. Sagun; T. Dietrich;

Ref.: Phys. Rev. D 110 (10), 103033 (2024)

Abstract: If dark matter (DM) accumulates inside neutron stars (NS), it changes their internal structure and causes a shift of the tidal deformability from the value predicted by the dense-matter equation of state (EOS). In principle, this shift could be observable in the gravitational-wave (GW) signal of binary neutron star (BNS) mergers. We investigate the effect of fermionic, noninteracting DM when observing a large number of GW events from DM-admixed BNSs with the precision of the proposed Einstein telescope (ET). Specifically, we study the impact on the recovery of the baryonic EOS and whether DM properties can be constrained. For this purpose, we create event catalogs of BNS mock events with DM fraction up to 1%, from which we reconstruct the posterior uncertainties with the Fisher matrix approach. Using this data, we perform joint Bayesian inference on the baryonic EOS, DM particle mass, and DM particle fraction in each event. Our results reveal that when falsely ignoring DM effects, the EOS posterior is biased toward softer EOSs, though the offset is rather small. Further, we find that within our assumptions of our DM model and population, ET will likely not be able to test the presence of DM in BNSs, even when combining many events and adding Cosmic Explorer (CE) to the next-generation detector network. Likewise, the potential constraints on the DM particle mass will remain weak because of degeneracies with the fraction and EOS.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.110.103033