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A new formulation of the dynamical response of many-electron systems and the photoabsorption cross section of small metal clusters

Authors: J. Pacheco and W. Ekardt

Ref.: Zeitschrift fur Physik D 24, 65-69 (1992)

Abstract: Static polarizabilities and photoabsorption cross sections of clusters Na 7-, Na 8, Na - 19, Na 20 are calculated, based on the spherical jellium model including the self-interaction correction (SIC) of Perdew and Zunger. To this end, a new formulation of the theory of the linear response is presented, which is suitable for general, self-interaction corrected, many-electron systems. The results obtained display an overall agreement with available experimental data, offering a systematic improvement with respect to the standard TDLDA. Furthermore, the cross sections of the negatively charged clusters are found to be dominated by a broad peak in the visible region, whose line width can be related to the lifetime of the surface plasmon against electron detachment.