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Relating multichannel scattering and production amplitudes in a microscopic OZI-based model
Authors: E. van Beveren and G. Rupp
Ref.: Annals of Physics 323, 1215-1229 (2008)
Abstract: Relations between scattering and production amplitudes are studied in a microscopic multichannel model for meson-meson scattering, with coupling to confined quark-antiquark channels. Overlapping resonances and a proper threshold behaviour are treated exactly in the model. Under the spectator assumption, it is found that the two-particle production amplitude shares a common denominator with the elastic scattering amplitude, besides a numerator consisting of a linear combination of all elastic and some inelastic matrix elements. The coefficients in these linear combinations are shown to be generally complex. Finally, the standard operator expressions relating production and scattering amplitudes, viz. A=T/V and Im(A)=T*A, are fulfilled, while in the small-coupling limit the usual isobar model is recovered.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aop.2007.11.012
URL: arxiv.org