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New BABAR state D(sJ) (2860) as the first radial excitation of the D*(s0)(2317)

Authors: E. van Beveren and G. Rupp

Ref.: Phys.Rev.Lett. 97, 202001 (2006)

Abstract: A coupled-channel model previously employed to describe the narrow $D_{s0}^*$(2317) and broad $D_0^*$(2400) charmed scalar mesons is generalized so as to include all ground-state pseudoscalar-pseudoscalar and vector-vector two-meson channels. All parameters are chosen fixed at published values, except for the overall coupling constant, which is fine-tuned to reproduce the $D_{s0}^*$(2317) mass. Thus, the radial excitations $D_{s0}^*$(2850) and $D_0^*$(2740) are predicted, both with a width of about 50 MeV. The former state appears to correspond to the new $D_{sJ}$(2860) resonance decaying to $DK$ announced by BABAR in the course of this work. Also the $D_0^*$(2400) resonance is roughly reproduced, though perhaps with a somewhat too low central resonance peak.