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Multichannel calculation for D*(s) vector states and the D(s)(2632) resonance

Authors: E. van Beveren and G. Rupp

Ref.: Phys.Rev.Lett. 93, 202001 (2004)

Abstract: We study bound states below threshold and resonances above threshold in the D0-K+ and Ds-eta systems, using a many-coupled-channel model for non-exotic meson-meson scattering applied to states with the quantum numbers of c-sbar quark-antiquark vector mesons. We fit the ground state at 2.112 GeV, whence the lowest resonances in D0-K+ come out at 2.61, 2.72, 3.03, and 3.08 GeV. The resonance at 2.61 GeV acquires a width of about 8 MeV, while its partial P-wave cross section is up to six times larger in Ds-eta than in D0-K+, provided a mechanism accounting for Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka--forbidden decays is included. The latter finding is in agreement with the observations of the SELEX collaboration with respect to the recently reported DsJ(2632) resonance. Therefore, we conclude that the DsJ(2632) is most probably the first recurrence excitation of the Ds*(2112) meson.