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SU(3) mass splittings for anti-q p mesons and qqq baryons

Authors: M.D. Scadron, G. Rupp, E. van Beveren and F. Kleefeld

Ref.: Contributed to High-Energy Physics Workshop on Scalar Mesons: An Interesting Puzzle for QCD, Utica, New York, 16-18 May 2003, and published in AIP Conf.Proc. 688, 183-190 (2003)

Abstract: By comparing SU(3)-breaking scales of linear mass formulae, it is shown that the lowest vector, axial-vector, and scalar mesons all have a $ar{q}q$ configuration, while the ground-state octet and decuplet baryons are $qqq$. Also, the quark-level linear $sigma$ model is employed to predict similar $ar{q}q$ and $qqq$ states. Finally, the approximate mass degeneracy of the scalar $a_0$(980) and $f_0$(980) mesons is demonstrated to be accidental.

DOI: 10.1063/1.1632205

URL: link.aip.org