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Meson form-factors and the quark level linear sigma model

Authors: M. D. Scadron, F. Kleefeld, G. Rupp and E. van Beveren

Ref.: Nucl.Phys.A 724, 391-409 (2003)

Abstract: The quark-level linear sigma model is employed to compute a variety of electromagnetic and weak observables of light mesons, including pion and kaon form factors and charge radii, charged-pion polarizabilities, semileptonic weak $K_{ell3}$ decay, semileptonic weak radiative pion and kaon form factors, radiative decays of vector mesons, and nonleptonic weak $K_{2pi}$ decay. The agreement of all these predicted observables with experiment is striking. In passing, the tight link between the linear sigma model and vector-meson dominance is shown. Some conclusions are drawn on the linear sigma model in connection with lattice and renormalization-group approaches to QCD.

DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9474(03)01553-7

URL: www.sciencedirect.com