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Identifying the quark content of the isoscalar scalar mesons f(0)(980), f(0)(1370), and f(0)(1500) from weak and electromagnetic processes
Authors: F. Kleefeld, E. van Beveren, G. Rupp and M. D. Scadron
Ref.: Phys.Rev.D 66, 034007-1-034007-9 (2002)
Abstract: The assignments of the isoscalar scalar mesons f0(980), f0(1370), and f0(1500) in terms of their qqbar substructure is still a matter of heated dispute. Here we employ the weak and electromagnetic decays D(s)(+) to f0+pi(+) and f0 two-photon decays, respectively, to identify the f0(980) and f0(1500) as mostly ssbar, and the f0(1370) as dominantly nonstrange, in agreement with previous work. The two-photon decays can be satisfactorily described with quark as well as with meson loops, though the latter ones provide a less model-dependent and more quantitative description.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.66.034007
URL: arxiv.org