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Quark mass effects in the thermodynamical properties of an extended (P)NJL model
Authors: J. Moreira; J. Morais; B. Hiller; A. H. Blin; A. A. Osipov
Ref.: JPS Conf.Proc. 26 (2019) 024024, Contribution to: "8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018)" (2019)
Abstract: We analyze the thermodynamical properties of a system of strongly interacting particles at vanishing quark chemical potential in the framework of a recently developed extension of the Polyakov–Nambu–Jona–Lasinio Model. In addition to eight quark interactions terms, non-canonical terms which explicitly break chiral symmetry up to the same order in a 1/Nc expansion (Nc number of colors) are included. A recently proposed Polyakov potential is considered and the results are compared to lattice QCD data resulting in a favorable scenario for the recent model variants.