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Matéria Nuclear npe Não-Homogênea na Presença de Campos Magnéticos Gigantes na Aproximação de Thomas-Fermi.

Authors: Rafael Camargo Lima

Ref.: Tese de doutoramento realizada na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina sob a orientação de Sidney S Avancini e co-orientação de Constança Providência (2013)

Abstract: In this work we treat the problem of asymmetric npe matter (neutrons, protons and electrons) in the Thomas-Fermi approximation, where electrons serves to neutralize the matter. This matter is considered neutral at zero temperature and subjected to giant magnetic field. The EOS is calculated from the effective nonlinear Walecka model, and to adjust the properties of matter, such as nuclear saturation density, surface tension coefficient, etc., we used two different sets of parameters, NL3 and TM1. We use a procedure known as the Wigner-Seitz approximation, so we can con- sider the different exotic nuclear structures that arise within the inhomogeneous asymmetric nuclear matter, known collectively as “pasta” and named individually as: bubble, droplet, rod, tube and slab . The density profiles are calculated for each particle within the Wigner-Seitz cell, respecting the symmetry of each structure. This allows us to obtain different several quantities, for instance, free energy and the number of particles, and to obtain local quantities like the quantized energy levels due to presence of magnetic field. We study the magnetization and the quantum oscillatory effect known as the effect de Haas-van Alphen, and show how the free energy per particle, the radius of the Wigner-Seitz cell and the number of nucleons in the cell varies with the magnetic field. We show how the density transition between the different pasta structures depends on the magnetic field intensity, including the phase transition behavior from the pasta phase to the homogeneous matter. We have also included the behavior of the surface tension coefficient as a function of magnetic field.