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Hyperonic stars within the Bogoliubov quark meson model for nuclear matter

Authors: Prafulla K. Panda; Constança Providência; Steven A. Moszkowski; Henrik Bohr; João da Providência

Ref.: Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 28, 1950034-1-1950034-12 (2019)

Abstract: We generalize the Bogoliubov quark-meson coupling (QMC) model to also include hyper- ons. The hyperon-σ-meson couplings are fixed by the model and the hyperon-ω-meson couplings are fitted to the hyperon potentials in symmetric nuclear matter. The present model predicts neutron stars with masses above 2M⊙ and the radius of a 1.4M⊙ star ∼14 km. In the most massive stars, bags overlap at the core of the star, and this may be interpreted as a transition to deconfined quark matter.

DOI: 10.1142/S0218301319500344

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